5 Healthy Eating Habits That Must Be Implemented At The Age Of 30

JAKARTA - Entering the age of 30, it is time for you to start a healthy life. Don't delay it any more. Starting early to feel the benefits of a body that is fit in the future.

By implementing a proper diet, regular exercise, and getting enough sleep, the possibility of avoiding various diseases will also be large. Reporting from Eating Well on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, here are 5 eating tips that need to be applied at the age of 30 years

Fiber has an important role in maintaining digestive health. A 2019 meta-analysis in The Lancet found that eating more fiber reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer.

In addition, research found that every 8 grams of fiber consumed, the risk of chronic disease fell to 5%-27%. The biggest protection is seen when people consume 25-29 g fiber per day.

Guidelines for the 2020-2025 Diet recommend that women aged 31-50 consume 25 g fiber per day. Meanwhile, men aged 31-50 consume 31 g fiber per day.

Fiber also extends the telomer, which is the protein-DNA structure found on both ends of the chromosomes. This protects genes and fights disease.

The telomer naturally stagnates with age. But with stress conditions, smoking, obesity, lack of sleep, and poor diet cause the telomer to be shorter.

Simply put, longer telomer means making that person live longer. The age of 30 is an important time to extend the telomer. Consuming more fiber is one of the best ways to do it.

"Focus on getting more omega-3 in your diet," said Sarah Anzlovar, MS, RD, LDN, owner of Sarah Gold Nutrition.

"While it may seem premature, the age of 30 is the best time to start implementing healthy habits that help you age well."

Anzlovar says Omega-3 has short-term health benefits, such as better moods, increased cognition, and reduced inflammation. In addition, the long-term health benefits are reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and better brain health as we get older.

Fat fish rich in omega-3 such as salmon or sardines. Not only fish, there are also a number of foods from plant-based sources containing omega-3, namely walnuts, chia seeds, and hemp seeds.

"Consumptioning processed meat such as sausages, sausages, hot dogs, and bologna can increase the risk of cancer," said Christie Gagnon, RD, LD, a dietist registered at Hoorah to Health.

"With the increase in colossal cancer in young adults. I want to warn people not to consume too much of this food in their diet." he continued.

According to the National Cancer Institute, since the 1990s, levels of colorectal cancer, colon cancer and rectum have doubled at the age of 30 and under the age of 50. In addition, there has been an increase in the number of young people who died from this disease.

Consuming three servings of whole grains every day can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 17%. This may be due to the positive influence of fiber on the intestines, giving gut bacteria that are beneficial for breeding, and producing compounds that reduce inflammation and prevent chronic diseases.

Bone density is formed at a young age. At the age of 25-30, the formation of the new bone is over. The age of 30 is the time to focus on maintaining bone density to prevent roughness. Getting enough calcium is the best way to do it.

"Because we are starting to lose bone mass in our 30s, it is very important to eat high-calcium foods such as yogurt, cheese, broccoli, spinach, kale, and almonds," said Gagnon.

According to the 2020-2025 Diet Guidelines, calcium recommendations for the age of 31-50 are 1,000 milligrams per day. According to USDA, 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt provides 415 mg of calcium and 1.5 ounces of cheese provides about 300-375 mg, depending on the type. If you don't eat dairy products, choose salmon, tofu, soybeans, or enriched foods and drinks such as oatmeal and non-susu milk.

It is important to note that after the age of 50, bone density tends to decline significantly, according to the National Institute on Aging. In addition to getting enough calcium and vitamin D, weight training also helps maintain bone density as we age.

Although some people are touting the benefits of fasting, most people benefit from regular breakfast.

" MISSing breakfast is one of the most common things my younger clients do. However, skipping breakfast often makes you want sugar and overeating in the future," Anzlovar added.

"Prioritize protein, fiber-rich carbohydrates, and healthy fat at breakfast to provide the energy needed throughout the day and keep blood sugar stable until lunch time," he continued.

Breakfast will also increase the chances of getting all the nutrients needed. And research, such as a 2021 review of Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, shows that people who miss breakfast eat more calories, carbohydrates, total fat, saturated fat, and extra sugar compared to those who eat breakfast.