Doctor Tirta Reveals The Smell Of A Typical Body That Is A Sign Of Cholesterol To Diabetes

JAKARTA - Basically, body odor is a normal thing for everyone. But recently, Doctor Tirta revealed that there is a distinctive body odor that is a sign that someone has diabetes.

Initially, the man whose real name was Tirta Mandira Hudhi denied people's response to body odors due to genetic factors. Doctor Tirta revealed that his body odor was caused by a mixture of bacteria and sweat on his skin.

"Mitos (the smell of the genetic factor agency), the smell of the body is due to the accumulation of bacteria in your body," he said, quoted by VOI from the Tirta Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng YouTube channel on Monday, October 21, 2024.

This 33-year-old man said that body odor is a sign of the person's health problems. The distinctive body odor is a sign that a person has metabolic disorders, such as high cholesterol to diabetes.

"Bau body is one of the characteristics that your body has metabolic disorders such as diabetes, high cholesterol, it has a distinctive body odor," he explained.

He said sweat didn't actually smell. The smell of the body only occurs when bacteria in the skin reproduce and break the protein in sweat into acid.

"But if the smell of rhinos, the smell of rot, and the smell of amic, it means that your sweat is mixed with bacteria, especially in your neck and daki. So it smells cool, pungent, tamari, bad, mambu (Javanese means smell)," he said.

Therefore, doctor Tirta asked someone who smells his body to take a shower regularly. In addition, you can use perfume to hide your body odor.

"So please help those of you who smell their clean bathing body, clean and proper bathing. The use of perfume to remove the smell of the body is just disguised," he added.

If the complaint about body odor continues even though it has been bathed and given perfume, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

"If your body odor keeps on going, even by taking a shower, please take it to the doctor so that he can be given medicine. So that your friend is not disturbed, and if he is reprimanded, he will always deny it," he added.

'I don't smell anything' yes yes but it was my people who beat your crew (Javanese means your body), you smell bad, it's a metabolic disorder." he continued.