Yahoo's Q&A Site Will Be Shut Down Forever

JAKARTA - One by one, Yahoo's services were finally shut down. The latest question and answer site Yahoo Answer will be stopped operating on May 4.

This announcement was made by Yahoo in a banner on the site. According to a letter sent to a number of Yahoo Answer users, the closure of this service was motivated by the decline in popularity of the platform which has been operating since 2005.

"Yahoo Answers is now not as popular as it used to be because our users' needs have changed. To that end, we have decided to divert our energy and resources from Yahoo Answers to focus on other products", said Yahoo, as quoted by The Verge, Tuesday, April 6.

As is known, Yahoo is now part of the Verizon Media Group. Later when it closes, all websites from the Yahoo Answers page will start redirecting to the Yahoo homepage.

As for the time for the deactivation to take effect from April 20, the platform will no longer receive new questions or answers from other users. Users are still given the opportunity to download the data until June 30. After that, all data related to Yahoo Answers will be deleted.

"That includes" all user-generated content including Question lists, Questions, Answer lists, Answers, and any images", Yahoo said.

The Yahoo Answers website itself is known as a place for internet users who want to find answers to a matter by asking other people. Unfortunately, the popularity of question-and-answer sites like Quora and online forums like Reddit has recently started to decline.

According to the SimilarWeb site in February, Yahoo Answer only recorded about 90 million user visits. On the other hand, word got out that the closure of Yahoo Answers was based on the large number of users expressing opinions about unmoderated political issues and sparking uproar.

"Will America survive Joe Biden's 4 years?" and “Will this summer be a record riot by BLM and Antifa?”, as well as this instant classic, “Is Stalin right about everything?” sample questions on Yahoo Answers.

Previously, the online discussion platform Yahoo Groups was also suspended from the world of social media, on October 13 last year. The closure of the service is based on the significant reduction in the number of user visits.