Construction Workers With Cannabis Trees As High As 20 Cm Were Arrested By The Mataram Police

JAKARTA - Police arrested a man with the initials HS (40) who owns two marijuana trees as high as 20 centimeters (cm) in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

The arrest of HS, who is a construction worker, was carried out on Thursday, October 17 at around 07.30 WITA at his home in the Pengempel area.

"We arrested the person concerned this morning while working on a building project at his brother-in-law's house," said Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satresnarkoba) of the Mataram Police AKP I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Suputra in Mataram, Thursday, October 17, confiscated by Antara.

From HS' arrest at his brother-in-law's house, which is still in the same neighborhood, the police did not find any evidence of a marijuana tree.

"We found evidence when the team moved to HS' house. The 20-centimeter-high marijuana tree was planted in a used cement sack near the entrance to his house. It was placed next to other flower pots, lined up there," he said.

In addition, there were also methamphetamine suction devices found. The police secured additional evidence from the results of the search of HS's room.

Therefore, HS in this case is threatened with violating Article 111 paragraph (1) and Article 127 paragraph (1) letter a of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

The threat of the article is in accordance with the findings of evidence of two marijuana trees and from the results of the examination it was revealed that HS was a drug user.

"For the time being, the status is not yet a suspect, we still have six days to determine his status. However, from the confession, this HS claims to be a user. From the evidence, there is also no one to strengthen him as a dealer," he said.

He explained that HS' arrest started from information from the public that they knew that two marijuana trees were embedded in a used cement sack and were located in the front yard of HS's house.

Based on the report, the police conducted a field investigation and arrested HS.

Following up on the arrest, HS and evidence have now been secured at the Mataram Police. From HS's confession, Bagus said the cannabis tree came from seeds that had been bought with dried marijuana pockets.

"The seeds he planted were obtained from buying dried marijuana pockets. If he grew in bloom, he said the leaves would be picked for personal use," said Bagus.