Cut Mini Has Alzheimer's Disease

JAKARTA - Cut Mini is suffering from Alzheimer's disease, which is a brain disease that results in decreased memory, ability to think and speak, and gradual changes in behavior. However, not in real life, Cut Mini suffered from this disease in her acting in the film Sampai Jadi Debu.

This is a film produced amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. Cut Mini is happy because, in the midst of a pandemic, she can produce new works.

"I'm very happy, this film finally airs. Because, when I got this story, I had no doubts about playing it. There is a unique character that I play, namely being an ordinary mother, who has children, turns out to have severe disease," said Cut Mini in a virtual press conference, Monday, April 5.

Prior to filming, the winner of two Citra trophies admitted to researching Alzheimer's disease in depth. "It's unique in my opinion because, during my career in acting, this is the first time I play a character who is seriously ill. I have previously played a character with cancer. But now the disease is more severe," she explained.

Besides being played by Cut Mini, this film also stars Wafda Saifan and Yasamin Jaseem. This film is inspired by a true story about a mother who suffers from Alzheimer. The children were asked to be there for the last moments, but other problems were approaching them.

"This film, the story is very simple, but it could happen in our lives. What about when we lose a mother, I don't want to imagine it. Even before receiving this film, I consulted a psychologist first. Sure enough, during filming the energy was extraordinary. Every time I enter the set, I get goosebumps when I meet Cut Mini,” explained Wafda Saifan, who plays the character Damar.

The film was shot in Solo with a very minimal duration, according to Cut Mini. "Filming during this pandemic has a very limited time, but we have to adjust. I personally, whatever form I try to play with the feeling I have. I didn't choose OTT or the big screen. But the circumstances made us do this. I just tried to do my best when I'm trusted for a role," she stressed.
