Akulaku Finance Indonesia Memarihi Multifinance Day 2024 Di Pontianak

JAKARTA - PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia, a leading digital finance company from Akulaku Group, took part in the implementation of Multifinance Day 2024 which was held by the Association of Indonesian Financing Companies (APPI) with the support of the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

The event was held on October 11-13, 2024 at Gaia Bumi Raya City, Pontianak. During the exhibition, PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia provided various special offers at the Akulaku PayLater booth for visitors.

President Director of PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia, Perry Barman Slangor, revealed that the company's participation in the event was aimed at expanding access to financing to the community.

"We hope that by participating in the 2024 Multifinance Day, the public can get to know and understand the financing products we present," he said, in a written statement, Sunday, October 13.

Multifinance Day 2024 was inaugurated by the Director of Financial Literacy and Education of the Financial Services Authority, Horas VM Tarihoran, and the Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Financing Companies, Suwandi Wiratno.

Multifinance Day 2024 was also attended by the Head of the Supervisory Department of the Financing Institution, Ventural Capital Company, and Special Financial Institutions of the Financial Services Authority Andra Sabta, Acting Governor of West Kalimantan represented by the Assistant for the Economy and Development of the West Kalimantan Regional Secretariat, Ignasius IK, and the Head of the Financial Services Authority of West Kalimantan Province, Maulana Yasin.

This activity was held to support APPI's vision to increase public understanding of financing products in various regions.

Visitors had the opportunity to get various attractive prizes and promos from PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia when visiting the Akulaku PayLater booth at the exhibition.

As a financing company licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority, PT Akulaku Finance Indonesia continues to strive to educate the public about financing solutions presented by the company