Expressing The Action Of Joint Leave Completed, Solidarity Of Indonesian Judges Now Guarding The Promise Of Stakeholders

JAKARTA - Indonesian Judge Solidarity Coordinator Aji Prakoso stated that the Joint Leave of the judges had been completed and is now focusing on overseeing the promises of stakeholders regarding improving the welfare of judges and the dignity of the judiciary.

"We must ensure that their commitment to improving the welfare of judges and the dignity of the judiciary can be realized immediately," said Aji Prakoso, confirmed from Jakarta, Sunday, October 13, as quoted by Antara.

From the judge's side, he continued, he must also uphold the promise of maintaining self-integrity and the judiciary.

Regarding the week-long audience and friendship, Aji said the response was very positive. This includes the acceptance of the aspirations of judges throughout Indonesia by various parties, recommendations, and input given to judges.

"All of this leads to one big goal, namely the realization of the independence of judicial institutions in Indonesia," said Aji.

A number of things that are fought for in the Joint Leave Action are an increase in basic salary and a position allowance of 142 percent.

According to Aji, this value is very reasonable considering that there has been no change for 12 years. The increase in basic salary is also in order to strengthen the dignity of judges in Indonesia as a state of law.

"We believe that with the fulfillment of these demands, better conditions will be created for judges to work with high integrity and without compromise," he said.

From the journey of the Joint Leave Action, Aji learned that the expectations of the Indonesian people for the integrity of judges and courts were very high.

According to him, this is the responsibility of the judges to rebuild the positive image of the judiciary in the eyes of the public.

He advised the judges to show that a dignified judge will maintain the law as well as possible, and the community will be empowered by a fair justice system.

"Let's strengthen our collective commitment to upholding self-intention as judges and maintaining the integrity of the judiciary," said Aji.