Back And Forth Anies Baswedan In The 2020 Pilkada

JAKARTA - The schedule for the 2022 or 2024 regional elections is still being discussed in Senayan. Back and forth, the elites in Parliament are still arguing.

From the start, the PDIP, PAN, and PKB factions were solid because Indonesia was still experiencing the COVID-19 outbreak. Followed by Gerindra, PPP, Nasdem and Golkar.

Meanwhile, PKS and Democrats still want the Local Election to be held in 2022.

The reason for the rejection was said to be an excuse to tackle the name of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan who was sticking out in the issue of the Local Election schedule. Because there are those who think that the push for the 2022 Local Election could be Anies' way to the 2024 presidential election.

However, Anies also responded coldly. For the same reason, he said he wanted to focus on overcoming COVID-19.

"No (comments), now we deal with COVID first," said Anies.

Executive Director of Indo Barometer, M. Qodari assessed that the impetus for the 2022 Local Election was an effort by a number of parties to defend the candidates to be nominated in the 2024 presidential or presidential elections.

Qodari gave an example of Anies Baswedan as one of the figures predicted to be brought up in the presidential election. If the political elite in the House of Representatives pushes for the normalization of the elections to be postponed until 2027, the election for the governor of DKI Jakarta will also be held in 2022.

Starting 2024 presidential candidacy, Anies is considered to be able to start from the 2022 DKI Local Election if it is still held.

"Then also those who want to defend current names, for example, Anies in Jakarta. If there is no regional election, then Anies will not be in office in 2022-2024 because he will be filled with Spokesperson," said Qodari, Wednesday, January 27.

However, if the local elections are still held in 2022, Anies will get to the political stage again. "If you win, you are re-elected, you will have another stage in the government for 2 years," he said.

Qodari said the regional elections in Jakarta were important because they had a wide exposure. It is not uncommon for democratic parties in the capital to be dubbed the "local election with presidential election taste."

Although, there are regional elections in other areas that are no less important and have the potential to generate alternative candidates who can advance in the presidential election, such as West Java, Central Java, and East Java with a larger number of voters than Jakarta.

Previously, the push for regional head elections or local elections to continue to be held in 2022 and 2023 appeared in discussions on the revision of the Election Law that took place at the DPR.

Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Saan Mustopa said that almost all factions agreed that the implementation of regional head elections or Local Election simultaneously normalized and held in 2022 and 2023.

Except for the PDI Perjuangan which provides a record of wanting simultaneous regional elections to be held in 2024, and the Gerindra Party which has not yet conveyed its position.

"At all, the Gerindra Party when drafting the draft (the Election Bill) did not give any attitude regarding this draft, it will wait for the discussion. But apart from that, it is the PDI Perjuangan who gives notes, the others want it to be normal. Normal, normalized," said Saan, Tuesday, January 26.

According to him, the House of Representatives is rescheduling the local election so that it will return to normal according to the five-year period.

As is known, in Law Number 10/2016 concerning Local Election, the elections for 2022 and 2023 are held simultaneously in 2024. "If the matter is in the revision of the Election Law we combine Law Number 10 (2016) concerning Local Election and Law Number 7 (2017) about the Election. It is integrated into the Election Law," said the NasDem Party politician.

So, he said, regions that are regulated in the law to hold regional elections in 2024 are normalized to 2022 because they have already implemented the elections in 2017, as well as regions whose elections in 2018 will carry out the elections again in 2023.

PDI-P DPP chairman Djarot Syaiful Hidayat said his party rejected the implementation of the 2022 and 2023 Local Election as stated in the revised draft of the General Election Law (Election Draft).

Djarot emphasized that the party's stance had nothing to do with efforts to hinder DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and other regional heads.

In Law Number 10 of 2016, it is stated that the simultaneous regional elections are set for November 2024. Thus, the post of the regional head which ends in 2022 will be filled with temporary officials including Anies Baswedan.

"Obviously not true (hindering Anies Baswedan's political stage). Not related to Mr. Anies Baswedan as well as other governors such as West Java, East Java, Central Java, and so on, the law was also decided in 2016 or before the DKI Governor Election," said Djarot, Friday, January 29.

Djarot said the Local Election should still be held in 2024 according to the mandate of Law Number 10 of 2016. Because this is a form of consolidation between the Regional Government and the Central Government.

In addition, he said, currently Indonesia is still facing the COVID-19 pandemic which cannot be predicted when it can be overcome.

Therefore, according to Djarot, the government's energy should be used to strengthen the handling of COVID-19 and economic recovery.

"In addition, we must also evaluate the implementation of the 2020 simultaneous regional elections held during the pandemic," he said.

The issue of the 2022 Local Election is again sticking out. Including the name Anies Baswedan, which is still being discussed.

Recently, the Regional Executive Board of Jakarta Prosperous Justice Party (DPW PKS) stated that it would return to support DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan if the regional election was held in 2022.

"If in 2022 there is a DKI Jakarta Regional Election, of course, we will bring back the Jakarta governor, who from a survey of more than 80 percent of the satisfaction of the Jakarta people with Jakarta leadership Anies Baswedan," said Chairman of the Regional Executive Board of Jakarta Prosperous Justice Party (DPW PKS), Khoirudin, at a press conference at the Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta, Sunday 4 April.

Khoirudin considered Anies successful in managing Jakarta since his election as governor in 2017. This reason made PKS sure to continue to support Anies.

"So because it was successful and of course we will be loyal to guard it. If there is a regional election we will bring Mr. Anies back," he said.

Meanwhile, DPW DKI Jakarta Secretary, Abdul Azis said that in carrying out regional head candidates, PKS chooses based on the criteria made. These criteria are based on previous work track records.

"We have seen together that the Governor of Jakarta, Mr. Anies Baswedan, has a good track record and meets the criteria that we have previously planned, and I think there is no reason for us PKS if the election is in 2022 not to nominate him," he said.