Sandra Dewi Rejects Kawin Ring Confiscated By Investigators, AGO: No Need To Have Polemics

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has stated that it is reluctant to have a polemic about Sandra Dewi, the wife of the defendant in the lead corruption case, Harvey Moeis, who refused to give her wedding ring to investigators.

Head of the Legal Information Center (Kapuspenkum) of the Attorney General's Office, Harli Siregar, said that his party had gone through the investigation stage in accordance with the rules to trace Sandra Dewi and Harvey Moeis' assets, including the wedding ring.

"If he says this is where did his wedding ring be bought from? Wow, this is my money, it's finished. What's the problem? 'You have to look at the delicti. When did this crime come? Then when did the acquisition? That's what investigators saw. For example, if from this year, confiscation could be carried out. So, it was also studied. It will not be arbitrary," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, October 11.

Kapuspenkum ensured that investigators had worked in accordance with statutory regulations.

Therefore, he asked that this does not need to be a polemic that continues to be debated.

"I mean, you don't have to polemic as if our investigation is not professional. Oh, you can't," he said.

On Thursday (10/10), Sandra Dewi was a witness in the trial of the alleged corruption case in the management of tin commodity trading in the mining business permit (IUP) area of PT Timah in 2015 '2022 whose husband, Harvey Moeis, became a defendant.

During the trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), Chief Judge Eko Aryanto asked about evidence of gold given by Harvey Moeis. Sandra admitted that her husband only gave her an engagement ring and wedding ring.

"There are wedding rings and engagement rings," Sandra said.

"Still there now?" asked Judge Eko.

"Still. Want to be confiscated by investigators, I don't give it," answered Sandra.

In the case of alleged tin corruption, Sandra Dewi's name appeared in the indictment related to the flow of money worth Rp3.15 billion.

Sandra is said to have received the money through her transferred account from the accounts of PT Quantum Skyline Exchange, Kristiyono, and PT Refined Bangka Tin in 2018'2023.

The money is thought to have come from the cost of securing tin processing equipment (processing) of 500 US dollars (US) to 750 US dollars per ton from four-smellers.