DPR Supports KPK's Cleaning Of Extortion Related To Extortion In Detention Centers, Encourages System Reform

JAKARTA - The DPR positively welcomes the KPK's efforts to clean up illegal levies (extortion) at their Detention Center (Rutan). The problem of extortion at the KPK Detention Center continues to be an issue so that a thorough evaluation is needed in terms of management or operations.

Recently, the KPK again conducted an inspection at its own detention center. This follows the statement of the former Mayor of Bekasi, Rachmat Effendi alias Pepen in a trial related to extortion cases at the KPK detention center. The convict in the bribery case for the procurement of goods and services revealed that there was a special cell facility rental while testifying at the trial.

Pepen, who was the coordinator of the residence at the KPK Detention Center, revealed that the special cell facilities were paid around Rp. 97 million per month. According to him, there was once a former Yogyakarta Mayor who used the cell rental facility every day to use insulin.

Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Gilang Dhielafararez, also hopes that there will be further investigations regarding this information.

"According to the witness' statement, I think it must be followed up so that everything is more open. The results of the investigation must be conveyed transparently," said the legislator from the Central Java II electoral district, Friday, October 11.

Gilang also emphasized that investigations must be carried out by parties who have independence and integrity. The goal is to get clear facts and take firm action against anyone involved.

"From this case, we know that even law enforcement agencies do not escape the issue of violating the law," he said.

Gilang supports system reform in the management of the KPK detention center. That way, the practice of extortion in the KPK environment can really be eradicated.

"We will definitely support this change in the KPK detention center because it has injured justice. The KPK as an anti-corruption agency must be able to show that it is free from corrupt actions in order to gain public trust," said Gilang.

"Reformation of the detention system or management must be carried out, and the KPK is obliged to provide equal treatment to all detainees, defendants, and convicts without special facilities or privileges for prisoners who are able to pay," he continued.

Gilang also highlighted the importance of transformation in the system in the detention center. This includes systemic changes from law enforcement and the management of detention facilities.

"KPK, together with other correctional institutions, must prove their commitment to prevent all forms of irregularities and corrupt practices in each line," said Gilang.

The implementation of a good management system, according to Gilang, can improve the management of corruption that has occurred so far at the KPK detention center.

"It is not solely to improve the image of the community. But to restore the dignity of the KPK as eradicating corruption," he said.

Gilang also encouraged the KPK to continue to carry out inspections, which were actually carried out suddenly and did not provide loopholes for information leakage. He also supports the KPK which continues to provide information regarding efforts to improve the system in the detention center.

"The publication of routine reports regarding conditions in important detention centers. Then strict supervision in the management of facilities and on the performance of prison officers can also be a step to prevent irregularities from occurring," said Gilang.

Gilang also highlighted the importance of disclosure of information about the rights of prisoners and regulations within the detention center.

"This disclosure will help ensure that all detainees get equal rights without discrimination, and prisoners cannot use money or influence to get special facilities," he said.

Gilang also hopes that the KPK can ensure that the detention facilities are managed with the same principles, namely fair, transparent, and open. He reminded that fair, clean, and transparent law enforcement is the essence of a healthy democracy.

Thus, reform and strict supervision in this sector must be a top priority to ensure that these principles are applied seriously.

"The justice must be seen and felt by all parties, including in the correctional system or in the detention center," concluded Gilang.