Often Consumed Daily, Beware Of Rows Of This Type Of Drinks Can Trigger Stroke

YOGYAKARTA The trigger for stroke does not only come from food but also drinks. Even the stroke-triggering drink can be felt by everyone regardless of age. Then what drinks have the potential to cause a stroke?

Reporting from AI Care, stroke can occur when blood vessels burst or were bored to make blood unable or hampered from flowing into the brain. To prevent health problems from occurring, people need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, one of which is by paying attention to what they consume.

Reporting from Medical News Today, an analysis managed to find that several drinks consumed daily were able to increase the chances of someone suffering from a stroke. The results of the analysis were then published in the Journal of Stroke and the International Journal of Stroke.

The analysis was carried out using INTERSTROKE project data, namely a major 2016 stroke study involving 26,950 participants from 32 countries. Based on the results of the analysis, there are several drinks that are able to stroke, namely as follows.

Not only does it contain high sugar that triggers diabetes, but soda is also associated with an increase in the risk of stroke in Korea. The increase in risk is quite large, namely 22 percent. This case is found in several countries, especially in Africa, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, the Middle East, and South America.

Who would have thought that consuming fruit juice was also associated with the risk of stroke. The increase in the risk of stroke in a person even exceeds soda by 37 percent. In addition, women have a greater risk than men.

Risikko is getting bigger if fruit juice is consumed twice a day. Researchers assess that the cause of the risk of fruit juice stroke is the sugar content of the drink.

The link between stroke and coffee arises only if the drink is consumed in large quantities a day, which is more than 1 liter per day. This amount can increase the risk of stroke by 37 percent. However, daily coffee warrants less than four cangkits are not associated with the risk of stroke.

That's information regarding the stroke-triggering drink. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.