ASN Personnel In Parepare Who Invite War Are Threatened With 5 Years In Prison

PAREPARE - A state civil servant (ASN) with the initials FN in Parepare City, South Sulawesi, faces a maximum prison sentence of 5 years after a video containing its provocative statement spread widely on social media and received strong reactions from various circles.

The Head of the Parepare Police, AKBP Arman Muis, explained that his party immediately followed up on reports after provocative videos containing war invitations and the desire to make Parepare such as Poso circulated widely on social media.

"After the video went viral, many people have told the police institution that this must be followed up immediately. In addition, there is a group of parties reporting to the police station to be followed up immediately," said Arman Muis, Tuesday, October 8.

FN's controversial statement was made in a public discussion held at a cafe on Jalan Mattirotasi, West Bacukiki District, Parepare City. The discussion discussed the establishment of the Gamaliel Christian School in Watang Soreang Village, Soreang District, Parepare City.

FN was charged with Article 160 of the Criminal Code or Article 156 letter A of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison.

Previously, LBH GP Ansor together with a number of organizations, such as the Indonesian Christian Student Movement (GMKI), the Muhammadiyah Student Association (IPM), the Islamic Student Association (HMI), and the Loyal Opposition Network (JOL), visited the Parepare Police Headquarters to report FN. Currently, FN has been detained at the Parepare Police Detention Center.