Brake Blong And Extreme Streets Are Causes Of Accidents That Killed 4 People In Kuningan Tourism Village

CIANJUR - The Kuningan Resort Police identified three factors that caused the accident that occurred at one of the tourist sites of Setianegara Village, Kuningan Regency, West Java, last Sunday. Each, the condition of the vehicle, extreme roads, and human negligence.

Kapolres Kuningan AKBP Willy Andrian menjelaskan, hasil analisis menunjukkan kecelakaan ini terjadi akibat kendaraan yang lepas kendalikan dan dipengaruhi ketiga faktor tersebut.

"We have conducted a survey at the location of the incident in a tourist area, the condition of the road is winding and has a steep incline," he said in Kuningan, West Java, Monday, October 7. Kuningan Police immediately coordinated with a team from the Korlantas Police Headquarters to review and provide recommendations regarding the road conditions that were considered dangerous. The police chief emphasized the importance of handling serious security in tourist areas with difficult terrain so that similar incidents do not happen again in the future.

"We have conducted a survey at the scene of the incident in a tourist area, the road is winding and has a steep incline," he said in Kuningan, West Java, Monday, October 7.

The Kuningan Police immediately coordinated with a team from the Korlantas Police Headquarters to review and provide recommendations regarding the road conditions that were considered dangerous.

The police chief emphasized the importance of serious handling of security in tourist areas with difficult terrain so that similar incidents do not happen again in the future.

"We are ready to take appropriate steps to ensure the safety of visitors and urge managers to prioritize the safety of visitors," he said.

Based on the results of an interim investigation, this traffic accident only involves one open tub vehicle carrying six tourists from Cirebon.

Willy said the vehicle had failed brakes so that it lost control and hit the road divider, then plunged into a ravine 28 meters deep on Sunday (6/10) afternoon.

"The incident occurred when the group was on their way home from one of the tourist attractions," he said.

The accident killed four people, including the driver. Meanwhile, other passengers were seriously injured and are currently undergoing intensive care at a hospital in Cirebon.

"Currently we are trying to prevent something like this from happening again. We need to review again to ensure that tourists visiting Kuningan can return safely to their area of origin," he said.