Coordination With The US, Ukraine Trains Russian-forbidden Terrorists In Syria

JAKARTA - Ukraine is training militants from the banned international terrorist organization Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham in Russia. The training in Syria has been coordinated by Ukraine with the United States (US).

"Rezim Vladimir Zelensky, in coordination with America, trained terrorists from Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham in Syria, using the new UAV production technology for combat operations against Russian troops in the republic," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. published on the Russian Foreign Ministry website, quoted from Tass, Friday 4 October.

According to Lavrov, Ukraine and its allies of Western countries continue to carry out attacks in Syria. The Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham militant training, he said, automatically made Ukraine directly involved in terrorist activities in Russia.

"Effectively encouraging the Kiev regime to engage in similar terrorist activities in Russian territory, where civilians and civilian infrastructure are targeted with direct support from the West," he said.

On Saturday, September 14, Turkish newspaper Aydinlik revealed it had footage of a meeting between Ukrainians and Hay'at members Tahrir al-Sham in Syria.

The newspaper published a photo showing two people wearing an oblong T-shirt with a trident symbol on the sleeves, and the others wearing a gray-blue military uniform. The report states that the images were taken on Idlib which was immortalized in June 2024.

This issue has been conveyed by Lavrov in a round table meeting with the heads of diplomatic missions on Thursday 12 September. Lavrov said Ukrainian intelligence envoys were actively recruiting radical militants in Syria and Africa to carry out terrorist operations.

Lavrov later said that the Ukrainian special service involved radical militants preparing a terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall, Russia.