Foods That Can Be Consumed For Lowering High Fever

The fever is one of the signs of a person's body that is having an infection. However, when someone has a fever, appetite may decrease. Well, this condition should be fought.

Because, when you have a fever, your body can burn calories and lose more fluids than daily conditions because additional pressure appears on the body. Therefore, when you have a fever, you are advised to eat foods that reduce high fever so that the body recovers quickly.

Reporting from the Health Line, below are a variety of fever-reducing foods that you should consume:

Chicken soup is recommended for you to consume as a fever-reducing food because it is able to provide a large amount of nutrients that you need when you are sick. Chicken soup contains sources of vitamins, minerals, calories and protein that are good for consumption when you are sick.

Chicken soup is also shown to be a very good source of liquid and electrolyte, both of which are needed to overcome dehydration that may occur during fever. What's more, a study explains that chicken soup is more effective in cleaning nose mucus than other types of food. This is because chicken soup is a natural decongestant by removing hot vapor.

You can also use Honey as a hot food for good fever. Honey is proven to have a strong antibacterial effect because it contains high antimicrobial compounds. Some evidence suggests that honey is also very good for strengthening the immune system.

This is what makes honey good for consumption when you are sick, especially if you have a sore throat caused by bacterial infection. You can eat honey directly or mix it in tea drinks.

Garlic is known to provide all kinds of health benefits. This kitchen bubble has been popular as a drug concoction for centuries and has shown antibacterial, antiviral, anti-urbal effects, and can stimulate the immune system. In the process of healing the common cold, several studies have been undertaken exploring the effects of garlic.

Some of these studies found promising results. A study concluded that people who eat garlic are less sick. In another study, people who eat garlic are not only less sick, but can get better 3.5 days of illness faster than groups who don't eat them.

Hot foods such as chilies contain capsaicin which have a desensitization effect and are often used in gels and pain relievers. Many people say that eating spicy food causes runny nose, mucus to come out, and clean the sine channel. While some studies have tested this effect, capsaicin can dilute mucus, making it easier to remove.

Ginger is known for its anti-mual effects. Ginger has also been proven to be effectively able to relieve nausea related to pregnancy and cancer treatment. What's more, ginger acts similar to non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Ginger also contains antioxidants, antimicrobials and anti-cancer effects. You can use fresh ginger in ginger foods or ginger fruit to get these benefits.

Such is the review of foods that reduce high fever that can be consumed. All types of food above will be better for you to consume based on suggestions and recommendations from a doctor or expert. Visit to get other interesting information.