Indonesia Becomes The First Southeast Asian Country To Complete UNESCO AI Preparation Assessment

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, Nezar Patria, said that Indonesia was the first country in Southeast Asia to complete the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Readiness Assessment (RAM) assessment developed by UNESCO.

At the submission of the RAM-AI Report, Nezar stated that the results of the UNESCO RAM-AI assessment provided new opportunities to empower the community and the digital economy in the country.

"Currently, Indonesia is at an important crossroads in digital transformation. This AI readiness assessment report provides in-depth insight into Indonesia's readiness in various dimensions," said Nezar in his official broadcast Friday, October 4.

According to him, through cross-sectoral collaboration and appropriate policies, AI can be a driving force for inclusive and sustainable growth for Indonesia.

The RAM-AI Indonesia report highlights several important areas, including the social and economic impacts caused by AI technology, especially related to job shifts, in rural areas.

In addition, this report also highlights the gap in access to information that can strengthen potential bias and discrimination, and summarizes the record that AI research in Indonesia is still lagging behind neighboring countries.

To that end, this report recommends developing regulations that ensure ethical AI Governance is in accordance with global standards, as well as establishing an Artificial Intelligence National Agency to strengthen cross-sectoral coordination.

As well as emphasizing the important meaning of capacity development, especially related to equality of access to AI education and infrastructure. In particular, encouraging the use of AI inclusively with the involvement of researchers and startups outside the island.