PLN Ensures Adequacy Of PLTU Biomass Through The Economy Of People

PT PLN (Persero) through the Subholding of PT PLN Energi Primary Indonesia (PLN EPI) ensures the availability of biomass as a mixture of fuel or co-firing for steam power plants (PLTU) through the development of a populist economy with the use of critical land.

PLN EPI President Director Iwan Agung Firstantara explained that his party has targeted the use of biomass for co-firing of 2.2 million tons by 2024. This number is planned to increase to 10.2 million tons by 2025 to meet the needs of biomass in 52 PLTU owned by PLN.

"The Biomansa that has been used by PLN EPI mostly comes from agricultural and plantation waste. Because the need continues to increase, we see an opportunity for people to take advantage of this potential to boost local economic income," said Iwan Agung as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 3.

These efforts were carried out by PLN EPI through the program "Development of the Integrated Economy-Based Biomass Ecosystem" in Bojongkapol Village, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java, on September 26, 2024.

Iwan Agung added that biomass development is not only important to provide clean energy, but also has the potential to create a double effect in driving the community's economy through an integrated agricultural program that utilizes critical land.

"We will develop an indigofera plant or also known as tarum, which can be used as a source of animal feed and biomass raw materials. With the filter overlap system, this plant also plays a role in increasing soil fertility," explained Iwan.

Through this program, he said, PLN can build a sustainable biomass ecosystem while at the same time supporting efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

In addition, this program is expected to contribute to improving the welfare of local communities.

"Batang and branches of plants will be used as raw materials for biomass, while the leaves can be utilized by local livestock," said Iwan.