Clean Lungs With Honey And Milk?

YOGYAKARTA Lungs are important organs for human breathing so awareness to protect them is very important. Some people believe in how to clean the lungs with honey and milk. Not only is it able to help maintain health, these ingredients are also claimed to be able to clean the lungs from nicotine or other harmful substances obtained from smoking. Then is these claims really scientifically proven?

Unfortunately, the public's opinion regarding cleaning the lungs with milk cannot be scientifically proven. The benefits of drinking milk for adults are quite good. However, along the search, there is no medical research that can prove that milk is able to clean the lungs. The lungs are also not an organ that can be cleaned either with food or drink.

This is also reinforced by the opinion of anatomical pathology specialist at Dharmais Hospital, dr. Evlina Suzanna, Sp.PA,.

Quoted from Antara, consuming regular milk will not make a smoker's lungs not clean anything. It doesn't matter if he drinks for a week or even a month.

"It has nothing to do with drinking milk for a week, two weeks, a month with lung cleaning," he said, quoted Thursday, October 3.

Quoted from AI Care, basically the lungs are organs that have the ability to clean themselves automatically. When a person is exposed to polutars too much, mucus production will be excessive. To restore the function of the lungs, there are several things that can be done, namely as follows.

Lung vapor therapy aims to excrete mucus around the respiratory tract. This therapy also helps increase air humidity so that breathing capacity can increase.

Lung therapy can be done at home by inhaling hot water vapor placed in a container or basin.

The drainage postural refers to certain positions that will help remove mucus from the lungs. The trick can be done by lying down, sleeping sideways, or lying on your stomach while practicing breathing. That way mucus will easily come out.

It is recommended to exercise aerobically so that the lung capacity can increase. Examples of aerobic sports such as walking, running, swimming, bicycles, zumba, and many more.

It is recommended to often breathe fresh air regularly so that the lungs will get clean air without pollution. It is recommended to use an air purifier to make the air in the house fresher.

For smokers or someone who has problems with breathing, it is recommended to often carry out breathing techniques Pursed lip breathing or stomach breathing. This exercise helps to maximize your lung capacity.

It is highly recommended to maintain a healthy diet. It is also recommended to eat foods that contain antioxidants. Some foods and drinks that contain antioxidants such as blueberries, tomatoes, turmerics, walnuts, edamame or green tea.

That's information related to the lungs with honey and milk. Visit to get other interesting information.