Puan's Promise: Make The House Of Representatives A Real House Of People

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, is ready to make the Indonesian House of Representatives a real home for the people. He emphasized that he was ready to make the Indonesian House of Representatives a modern, open and aspirational parliament.

After being appointed and sworn in as Chairman of the DPR for the period 2024-2029 at the Plenary Meeting of the Opening of Session Period 1 of Session Year 2024-2025, Puan said that the DPR as a state institution that has constitutional power will be the hope of the people.

"Therefore, the DPR RI will always be in the spotlight of all the people, both in the DPR RI sessions, members' activities in electoral areas, statements made even in activities outside the duties of the DPR RI," said Puan, Tuesday, October 1.

"We, as members of the DPR RI, have obligations as representatives of the people; we are required to have a sense of concern, empathy, sympathy, on people's problems; we are required to be able to fight for the aspirations of the people; we must be able to position ourselves by paying attention to social appropriateness," he said.

Puan explained that building the image of the DPR which is increasingly trusted by the people must be done through the joint work of all members of the council.

"Only ourselves, members of the DPR RI, can maintain the honor and dignity of the DPR RI institution. Let us build with the DPR RI which is getting closer to the people, more trusted by the people, and can prosper the people," said Puan.

On this occasion, Puan on behalf of all members of the DPR invited participation from all components of society, mass media, press, intellectuals, academics, students, NGOs, mass organizations, and so on to participate in providing input, views and criticism of various state policies to be taken.

"Give views, suggestions and criticism that participate in educating the nation's life," said Puan.

In leading the current DPR, Puan will be accompanied by 4 deputy chairmen of the DPR, namely Adies Kadir, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Saan Mustofa, and Cucun Ahmad Syamsurizal.

"During our leadership, God willing, we will encourage the spirit of joint work in realizing the DPR RI as a modern, open, and inspiring parliament and trying to make the DPR RI a real home for the people," said Bung Karno's grandson.

When we, members of the Indonesian House of Representatives, first entered this building, a building full of the history of the journey of the nation and state; we feel proud. We also feel the vibration of a historical call to us to do something useful for the people," added Puan.

After the Plenary Meeting on the determination of the leadership of the DPR, Puan accompanied by 4 deputy chairmen of the DPR stated that she was committed to collectively protecting this DPR institution. collegial to jointly create legislation, budget and supervision performance programs for the benefit of the nation and state.

Puan again ensured that she was ready to become an extension of the people's hands through the functions and performance of the council.

"The DPR will open the door space for the aspirations of the people as wide as possible and accommodate the aspirations of the people and then follow up according to the mechanism in the DPR," said Puan in a press conference after the Plenary Meeting.