6 Drinks That Damaged Usus, Stop For The Health Of Implementation!

YOGYAKARTA - Body health is greatly influenced by what we consume, including drinks that we often drink. The content or substances contained in the drink will make the body's organs react. It should be noted that there are several drinks that damage the intestines and should be avoided.

Usus plays an important role in our digestive system because it works for the absorption of nutrients and the main digestive process occurs. Therefore, it is very important to maintain gut health in a selective way in consuming drinks.

So that the intestines are not easily disturbed or have health problems, everyone is advised to choose a good drink. It is better to limit and avoid consuming drinks that damage the intestines in order to maintain digestive health.

Certain drinks can interfere with the function of the intestines and cause various health problems, such as inflammation, irritation, and other digestive disorders. Here are some types of drinks that should be avoided or reduced because they can damage the intestines.

Soda or soft drink is one of the most harmful types of drinks for the health of the intestines. Soda contains high amounts of sugar, as well as additional ingredients such as phosphateic acid and carbonated acid which can damage the lining of the intestinal wall.

The acid in soft drinks can irritate the lining of the stomach and intestines. If left continuously, this condition can cause problems such as acid reflux, gastritis, to worsen the irrigable condition of bowel syndrome (IBS). In addition, high sugar content can also disrupt the balance of good bacteria in the intestines.

Excessive alcohol consumption is not only harmful to the liver, but can also damage the intestines. Alcohol can cause inflammation on the intestinal walls, reduce the number of good bacteria, and increase the risk of leaky intestinal syndrome (leaky gult syndrome).

This condition occurs when the intestinal layer is damaged. Whereas this intestinal layer plays a role in keeping harmful substances from entering the bloodstream. If the intestinal layer is damaged, the toxins and food particles can leak and cause various health problems such as chronic inflammation.

Although coffee has health benefits, excessive coffee consumption can have a negative impact on the intestines. The caffeine content in coffee can increase the production of stomach acid which can irritate the stomach and intestinal layers.

In some people, caffeine can also accelerate gut movement which results in diarrhea. In addition, large amounts of coffee can increase the risk of acid reflux and worsen symptoms for those with digestive problems such as GERD.

Energy drinks are often consumed to increase stamina. But in fact, this drink also contains a lot of caffeine, sugar, and other additional ingredients that can damage the health of the intestines.

Just like soda and alcohol, the high content of sugar in energy drinks can disrupt the balance of the gut microbiota. In addition, caffeine and other stimulant materials can trigger inflammation and irritation of the intestinal walls, especially if consumed excessively.

For some people, consumption of milk, especially those with high fatness, can cause disorders in the intestines. This condition is usually experienced by those who are intolerant of lactose. Lactose is the sugar contained in milk and dairy products.

For people who are intolerant of lactose, this content of lactose cannot be digested properly. This condition will cause symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, and stomach pain. In addition, high fat in milk can slow down the digestive process and trigger discomfort in the intestines.

diet drinks that use artificial sweeteners such as as aspartam, suclose, or sorbitol are often marketed as a healthy alternative to regular sweet drinks.

However, this artificial sweetener can cause disorders in the digestive system, including bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Several studies have also shown that artificial sweeteners can disrupt the balance of good bacteria in the intestines and cause inflammation.

Those are some drinks that damage the intestines and should be avoided in order to maintain digestive health. Choosing healthy drinks is an important step in maintaining overall digestive and digestive health. Drinks such as water, herbal tea, and fresh fruit juice without additional sugar are a better choice. Also read foods and drinks that should be avoided to prevent diabetes.

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