Review Album Jalaran Sadrah Bara Suara: Badan, Meratap Dan Belajar Menjadi Manusia

JAKARTA - Keeping the fire of creativity on, Bara Suara released the album Jalaran Sadrah as the third collection after Taifun (2015) and Mind and Travel (2019). A little missed the album's release cycle every four years, not reducing the magical work of these six 'dimensional' musicians.

Sadrah's explanation, literally means surrender. The two words can quite describe the full content of the album which is full of dynamics from the arrangement side, to the painfulness and confusion that feels heartbreaking in each of the lyrics. It will be answered later.

The opening service on this album is Antea, a song that at first glance feels optimistic. But don't be fooled first, the lyrics are scathing at criticizing humans who sometimes forget their death. Humans often feel that they have everything.

In terms of lyric writing, Iga Massardi is still one of the best. At one point he straightforwardly criticized, but at another point the swearing was brought back from a far point of view, as if he didn't want to accuse him of being too specific. And of course, the language verses that often invite questions are also present on this third album of Bara Suara.

The influence of Cholil Mahmud and several other lyrics made Iga even more skilled at playing the word. Most of the songs are colored by the touch of sweet modulations, making the complicated feel more magical. Especially in the single Celebrating Fana, where Bara Suara released the arrangement, assisted by Erwin Gutawa with an emotional evocative orchestration.

It is natural that the song was chosen as one of the mainstay singles. The orchestral and rock bailout mixes smoothly and feels so emotional. Enjoying the music video and the song is like being invited into a complete film story from the opening to the closing, with an interesting surprise sharing among them.

The Dark Expenditure Track is no less unique, with compositions that feel a bit different from others. In this song, Bara Suara also reminds the strengths of the three vocalists with their own unique characters.

Hearing the track after the track, it felt like we were hit by a bitter reality. We can only surrender to face various frauds, injustices until later towards infinity. Fortunately, Bara Suara gave an bidder to Biyang, a magical song involving Sujiwo Tejo who isbang in Javanese.

In the end, despite the bad things that happen, we shouldn't forget to be human. Hearing Sadrah's alignment, became an reflection for self-introspection.