Ministry Of Finance Raises Revenue Target In South Sulawesi Of IDR 636.68 Billion

MAKASSAR - Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Representative of South Sulawesi (Sulsel) stated that there was a change in the target of state revenue and expenditure in South Sulawesi amounting to Rp636.68 billion.

Head of the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb) of South Supendi, in Makassar, Saturday, said that in August 2024 there was a change in the target of state revenue and expenditure in South Sulawesi.

"In August 2024 there will be changes in the form of additional state revenues. Some have been corrected and the net is IDR 636.68 billion," he said.

Supendi said state revenue in South Sulawesi received an additional target starting in August of IDR 636.68 billion with an additional source of additional income tax rates (PPh) which reached IDR 1.67 trillion.

In this income tax, from January to July 2024, the government targets revenues of Rp6.87 trillion and with the addition of Rp1.67 trillion to Rp8.54 trillion.

Then in other taxes, it also increased by Rp7.18 billion from Rp216 billion to more than Rp223 billion.

Meanwhile, in the VAT sector and the luxury goods sales tax (PPnBM) from the initial target of IDR 6.73 trillion, it was more corrected by IDR 1.04 trillion, bringing it to IDR 5.70 trillion.

"So there are items that are added to revenue and some are corrected. As in PPh, other taxes are added. Meanwhile, the PPnBM VAT has even corrected Rp1.04 trillion, bringing the net to Rp636.68 billion," he also said.

In addition, Supendi admitted that overall compared to the same period the previous year, tax revenues collected from domestic tax revenues amounted to Rp8.37 trillion and international trade tax collected Rp252.8 billion, PNBP Rp2.3 trillion.