NASA Will Reduce Orbital Puings Through The SPICY Mission

JAKARTA NASA will address the problem of orbital debris which continues to grow every year. To reduce the number of satellites that are not operating or not functioning, NASA will capture the trash.

On September 25, NASA awarded a Phase III Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract to Starfish Space, a company from Washington. In the contract, it is recorded that NASA will provide funds of US$15 million (Rp227 billion) for three years.

The main focus of the SBIR contract is the completion of the Small Spacecraft Propulsion and Inspection Ability (SSPICY) mission. Through this mission, NASA will mitigate orbital debris to maintain its sustainability strategy in space.

Bo Naasz, Senior Technical Leader at NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate, said the SPICY mission was designed for service and logistics assisting satellite disposal. SSPICY will also be supporting technology to investigate satellite conditions in orbit.

"Inspections in space help us characterise the physical conditions of satellites, collect data on what might make spacecraft stranded, and improve our understanding of fragmentation and collision," explained Naasz.

In carrying out the SSPICY mission, Starfish will use the Otter spacecraft they developed. This spacecraft is a small oven-sized aircraft to check, dock, and release other satellites from orbit.

During the SSPICY mission, Otter will tour the orbit and visit and inspect US-owned satellites that are no longer operating. Before making the visit, NASA will ensure its satellite owners agree with Otter's duties.

"It is an honor for Starfish to lead the first commercial debris inspection mission funded by NASA. We look forward to collaborating on this satellite service mission and future missions," said Starfish Founder Trevor Bennett.

The Otter spacecraft is targeted to launch by the end of 2026 and begin the inspection process the following year. There is still a possibility that the schedule will change due to component needs or testing constraints.