Convicted Of Smuggling Case Of Gaguk Sulistyo Arrested By Semarang Kejari In Serpong Region

The prosecutor's office has arrested a convict in a case of smuggling processed wood exports, Gaguk Sulistyo, who is a fugitive in a case handled by the Semarang City Prosecutor's Office, Tanjung Emas Port Branch, Semarang, Central Java.

Head of Semarang City District Attorney Candra Saptaji said the convict Gaguk Sulistyo was arrested at a house in Serpong area, South Tangerang, Banten, on Tuesday, September 24, 2024.

He explained that the execution of the convict was carried out after the case he was facing had permanent legal force.

"The cassation at the Supreme Court in 2015 found the convict guilty and had to serve a prison sentence," he said in Semarang, Antara, Wednesday, September 25.

According to him, the convict Gaguk Sulistyo was not detained during the trial at the Semarang City District Court in 2011. The Constitutional Court's cassation decision in 2015 sentenced him to 3 years and 6 months in prison and a fine of Rp. 150 million.

After the cassation decision, the convict Gaguk Sulistyo was not proactive when he was summoned to be executed.

When arrested, said Candra, the convict Gaguk Sulistyo was cooperative and was then taken to the Salemba Prison in Jakarta to serve his sentence.

The convict Gaguk Sulistyo was found guilty of violating Article 103 of Law Number 17 of 2006 concerning Customs in a case of smuggling timber exports in processed form which was prohibited by statutory regulations.