Causes And How To Overcome The Body Feels Hot Even Though The Temperature Is Normal

YOGYAKARTA Hot bodies are often associated with fever (increasing body temperature to more than 38 degrees Celsius). However, it turns out that there are several conditions that can cause a body to heat, but the body temperature remains normal.

So, what makes the body feel hot all of a sudden? How to deal with the body feels hot but the temperature is normal? Check out the full information in the following reviews.

The body feels hot but the normal temperature is not always caused by certain medical conditions. Sometimes this can happen when you do physically draining activities.

Compiled from various sources, the following are some of the causes of the body feeling hot but the temperature is normal:

When doing physical exercise, you need more energy. To meet these needs, your body will burn fat as an energy deposit. As a result, the body will feel hot but the body temperature remains normal.

This condition generally does not last long because heat will be emitted in the form of sweat.

Eating spicy food processed with chili can make the body feel hot. This is caused by the capsaicin compound contained in chili.

Based on a study published in the journal Temperature, capsaicin stimulates a hot receptor on the tongue and throat called vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1). This receptor will send a signal to the brain that you are experiencing hotness,

In addition to eating spicy foods, hot foods, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks can also increase body temperature.

Stress also includes the cause of the body feeling hot but the body temperature is normal. Increased adrenal hormones and cortisol when stressed can make the heart work harder.

When the heart rate increases, the flow of alcohol in the body will be even heavier. When blood gathers under the skin, you will feel that the body's temperature becomes hotter, but does not have a fever.

Hyperthyroidism (hyroidal hormone levels are too high in the body) can make the metabolic process run faster.

Because your body burns energy faster than usual, your body will feel hot but body temperature remains normal.

After understanding the cause, now you need to know how to deal with the body that feels hot but the body temperature is normal.

Some things you can do to solve these problems, namely:

If the cause is excessive physical exercise, then you need to rest enough. That way, the body will be able to function optimally.

For adults, adequate rest is 7-8 hours of sleep. Sufficient rest is the key to getting a healthy body, soul, and mind.

Wind oil aromatherapy can also relieve body symptoms that feel hot but normal. Even though it feels warm, aromatherapy oil can stimulate sweat to help cool the body's natural temperature.

In addition, some aromatherapy oils also have antipirritis properties so that they can lower body temperature when they have a fever.

The above has been mentioned that spicy and hot foods can make the body feel hot but not feverless. Capsaicin compounds can trigger an increase in body temperature and cause discomfort, such as excessive dryness.

In addition, spicy food can also irritate the digestive tract and trigger an increase in stomach acid. Therefore, it is important to maintain balance and variety of eating patterns, as well as limit the consumption of penalized foods, especially during hot weather.

The last way to deal with the body feels hot but the normal temperature is to meet the fluid needs by drinking lots of water.

When exposed to sunlight, the body usually sweats out. This sweat contains water, and if the fluid intake is not fulfilled, the body has the potential to become dehydrated.

Dehydration can worsen the condition of the body because it loses its ability to regulate temperature properly. This can increase body temperature.

For this reason, it is important to drink sufficient water, especially during hot weather so that the body remains hydrated.

That's information about the cause and how to deal with the body feels hot but the temperature is normal. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.