Types Of Foods That Help Overcome Migraine
YOGYAKARTA Research shows that diets contribute to overcoming migraines. So recognize what foods can help treat migraines. These foods contain many minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids. These include the following.
Research in 2021 found that there was a relationship between migraine frequency and magnesium adequacy from the food consumed. Other studies show that magnesium can relieve migraines. magnesium-rich foods include dark green leafy vegetables, avocados, tuna, and bananas.
Still referring to research, omega-3 fatty acids can help migraine sufferers to reduce the frequency of the next headache they suffer. Foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids include macachrel and salmon, seeds, and nuts.
Fiber in food consumed, turns out to be correlated with a decrease in the frequency of severe headaches or migraines. According to research reported by Healthline, Tuesday, September 24, further research is still needed on the potential benefits of fibered foods to deal with migraines. But foods rich in fiber can be consumed for these benefits, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, potatoes, and nuts.
Overprocessed foods are not healthy. If the food is intact, it is recommended for a number of health benefits, including helping to deal with migraines. Whole foods that are not processed include fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, pods.
In addition to the types of foods that help treat migraines above, just drink water also prevent migraines and reduce symptoms. Because according to research, one of the causes of migraines is dehydration. Foods that need to be limited to prevent migraines include dairy and ice cream products, chocolate and cheese, foods that contain monosodium glutamate, caffeinated drinks, and nitrate foods.