6 Portraits of Nikita Willy Exercising during the Third Trimester of Pregnancy, Warganet Feels Nauseous

YOGYAKARTA Entering the third trimester, Nikita Willy uploaded her activities in sports. Starting from boxing, pilates, to yoga. Of course, accompanied by professional instructors. Take a peek at Nikita Willy's portrait of sports during the following third trimester of pregnancy.
Reels with a black and white color, uploaded by Nikita, depicting a series of sports being carried out. When pregnancy entered the third trimester, or seven months Nikita was still actively exercising. The upload invites the impression of netizens in the comments column. A number of artists also wrote comments, 'Strong mama', such as Tasya Kamila and Naysila Mirdad.
yoga poses, such as three dogs and warrior III poses, are also done by Nikita during yoga. These poses are known as movements to build strength, flexibility, and balance.
In fact, Nikita tried the head stand pose movement. Accompanied by the instructor, Nikita looked calm in starting and doing every movement pose.
During the pilates, Nikita was also accompanied by an instructor. With a tool, he took a number of pose repetitions. The sports outfit looks minimalist, combining white top tank crops with black legging.
The movement carried out by Nikita above, depicts great strength and stability. When lifting your legs, the body's burden needs to be divided, the strength of the core or muscle of the body also appears to be trained in the movement carried out by Nikita above.
One netizen wrote a comment, "He's the one I'm exercising to see". A number of netizens also have the same opinion, but Nikita Willy is considered inspiring. So is exercise safe for pregnant women, especially during the third trimester?
Launching Harvard Health, Tuesday, September 24, several yoga poses are safe for pregnant women. Including the yoga poses by Nikita Willy, including tree poses and warriors III. Even boxing, as long as the heart rate is measured, it is still safe to do. Sports, it is important to do natural sports, because it helps to train strength, balance, accelerate blood circulation, reduce backpain, help quality sleep, to reduce the risk of pre-eclaming and gestational diabetes.