KKP Takes Action On 18 Business Actors Violating PKKPRL On Small Islands, Total Fines Of IDR 18 Billion

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has taken action against 18 business actors who violate the use of marine space on small islands.

It is known that the total fines collected from the sanctions for violations reached Rp. 18 billion.

The Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP) of the KKP Pung Nugroho Saksono revealed that the latest cases that were prosecuted were the sealing of two resorts that did not have three licensing documents on Maratua Island and Bakungan Island, Berau Regency, East Kalimantan.

The two resorts include PT MID which is a foreign investment (PMA) by Malaysian citizens and PT NMR which is an investment (PMA) for German and Swiss citizens.

The two resorts did not have the approval of the suitability of sea space utilization activities (PKKPRL), permits for other tirta tourism activities without business licensing and licensing for the use of small islands.

"Those who do it there (restaurant managers) from Germany, Switzerland and Malaysia," he said at a press conference in Jakarta, written Tuesday, September 24.

For these violations, the KKP provides for the next 30 days for business actors to take care of permits and pay administrative fines.

If this is not done, the KKP will permanently suspend the business.

The man who akrap called Ipunk said that his party supports investment, especially for the tourism sector.

Bearing in mind, this sector is one of the largest foreign exchange contributors to the country.

However, he said, foreign investment should not interfere with Indonesia's sovereignty.

This is so that the islands do not have the same fate as Sipadan and Ligitan Islands, where the modus operandi of foreign nationals (WNA) initially entered the islands in the country to invest.

Meanwhile, Director of Marine Resources Supervision Halid K. Jusuf added, there are two business actors who have been sealed in the Thousand Islands of Jakarta.

His party is still investigating two or three business actors related to the use of small islands.

In addition, the KKP also sealed two business actors, namely PT JPS and PT RUJ in Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi.

The two business actors are indicated to have violated the approval of suitability of sea space utilization activities (PKKPRL) and reclamation activities without business licenses.

"The two business actors are proactive and will carry out applicable regulations," he said.