3 Facts About Erina Gudono Scholarship That Can Be Obtained From The University Of Pennsylvania, Sakunya's Money Reaches Hundreds Of Millions!

The Erina Gudono Scholarship received from the School of Social Policy & Practice University of Pensylvania, United States, is in the spotlight of many parties.

Previously, Kaesang Pangarep's wife announced that she received a study scholarship at UPenn through an upload on her personal Instagram, @erinagudono on Sunday, July 28, 2024.

"I didn't expect that Allah SWT would be good at providing sustenance for children and studying at the same time in one year of marriage," wrote Erina.

Erina's post received criticism from netizens, considering that she came from a relatively special family so that she was deemed inappropriate for a scholarship.

In fact, after Erina and Kaesang were caught riding a Private Jet when they drove to America, netizens were busy urging the University of Pennsylvania to withdraw Erina's scholarship.

The netizen's insistence was published by The Daily Pennsylvanian in an article entitled "Indonesian urgent Penn to revoke Scholarship granted to daughter-in law of country" which was published on Sunday, September 15, 2024.

The media quoted an upload from Indonesian netizens urging that UPenn withdraw the scholarship given to Erina.

So, what is the UPenn scholarship that President Joko Widodo's son-in-law received like? Check out the full information below.

Please note, Kaesang Pangarep's wife, Erina Gudono, is listed as a partial scholarship recipient for the Master of Science program at the Faculty of Social Policy and Practice (SP2) at the University of Pennsylvania, United States.

The following are the facts related to Erina's scholarship from UPeen, USA:

Quoted from the official University of Pennsylvania website, UPenn does provide partial tuition support for full-time master students. This program is called an achievement scholarship or merit schoolship.

The Penn GSE achievement scholarship is given to domestic and international students. The scholarship is based on the achievements aimed at registering.

Part of the tuition support offered by UPeen to students could reach 15 thousand US dollars or around Rp. 252 million.

The Penn GSE scholarship is based on the achievements shown when registering. This support was given during an application review by the academic division which was seen based on his academic achievements.

The award was delivered at the time of receipt in the receipt letter. The Penn GSE Scholarship is not taxed and will only be disbursed feeling that it will be in the fall and spring semesters.

Adapted from the LPDP page, tuition support will cover several points. Scholarship recipients will get a number of benefits such as:

That's information about Erina Gudono's scholarship. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.