Sucor AM Collaborates With The Advanced Foundation With Indonesian Entrepreneurs As Partners For The Distribution Of Sucorinvest's Philanthropic Funds For Smart Children

JAKARTA - PT Sucorinvest Asset Management (Sucor AM) continues to be committed to long-term investments that have an impact, not only trying to achieve competitive returns, but also to open opportunities for investors to contribute to goodness through their philanthropic product, Sucorinvest Anak Pintar (SAP).

It is known, according to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2022, as many as 18.10 percent of children in Indonesia have not fulfilled their educational rights. In addition, as many as 42.17 percent of children in Indonesia experience deprivation in their health rights. This is based on the Sucor AM, which previously partnered with the Panshopia Nusantara Foundation and the Titian Future Foundation for the distribution of education philanthropy funds, increasing its partnership to strengthen the mission of helping children's welfare.

This time, Sucor AM is working with the Advanced Foundation with Indonesian Entrepreneurs which is covered by the Indonesian Employers' Association (APINDO) as a partner in the distribution of Sucorinvest Smart Children's philanthropic funds. The inauguration of the partnership agreement was held in the APINDO Multipurpose Room, Permata Kuningan Building, Jakarta, on Monday, September 23. The cooperation agreement was inaugurated by the Founder of the Sucor Group Lindrawati Widjojo and the General Chairperson of APINDO Shinta Widjaja Kamdani.

In his remarks, Lindrawati said, Sucor AM has always been committed to providing more than just financial returns to investors.

"Through the Sucorinvest of Smart Children, we invite investors to participate in creating real social impacts, especially in the fields of education and children's health," he said.

Lindrawati added that collaboration with the Maju Bersama Entrepreneurs Indonesia Foundation is a tangible manifestation of this commitment.

"This inauguration will also be a forum for introducing and promoting the philanthropic product of Sucor AM, Sucorinvest Anak Pintar, which focuses on educational support and improving the welfare of children in Indonesia," he continued.

On the same occasion, Shinta Widjaja expressed her appreciation for the opportunity given by Sucor AM to become a partner in the distribution of philanthropic funds.

"As part of the business world, we at APINDO believe that the private sector has an important role in supporting philanthropic initiatives that can have a positive impact on society."

"We must unite to face future challenges, one of which is to ensure adequate fulfillment of nutrition for Indonesian children. APINDO is committed not only to supporting the development of superior human resources in the future, but also to prevent stunting that will have an impact on their future. Through the KIPAS Stunting APINDO Healthy Children Movement (GAS) program, we want to encourage all entrepreneurs in Indonesia to work together to create real solutions for the future of our children," he added.

As of August 2024, the philanthropic funds that have been channeled by the Sucorinvest of Smart Children since 2017 amounted to Rp8.28 billion out of a total of 2,769 Single Investor Identification (SID) or the holder of the Participation Unit of the Smart Children. The funds were channeled through the Panshopia Nusantara Foundation and the Titian Future Foundation, with 8 beneficiary areas consisting of 19 beneficiary schools, 1116 educational scholarships, and 4 activity programs.

President Director of Sucor AM Jemmy Paul Wawointama said that investment is about planting seeds for the future.

We are doing something meaningful today, so that the results will be enjoyed in the future. The same applies to education. By investing in the education of our children, we indirectly invest in Indonesia's future," he explained.

For Sucor AM, Smart Children's Sucorinvest products have the aim of providing the potential for optimal investment value growth in the medium to long term, through strategic allocations to the effects of equity, debt securities and domestic money market instruments in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in Indonesia.

Not only that, this product also provides opportunities for Investors to contribute to educational programs and welfare for people in Indonesia through the distribution of philanthropic funds.