How Much Is LiLA Normal For Pregnant Women? Here's How To Measure It To Know Whether The Nutrition Is Sufficient

YOGYAKARTA - The upper arm circle or LiLA of pregnant women can be used as a clue whether the nutritional needs of pregnant women are met. When a woman is pregnant, the size of her upper arm can easily change. So how much is LiLA normal for pregnant women and how to measure it?

During pregnancy, women's weight will not only increase, but some will decrease. Some pregnant women actually experience malnutrition due to increased nutritional needs, causing micronutrient and macronutrient deficiency.

One way to find out whether or not the nutritional needs of pregnant women are met is by measuring LiLA. By observing LiLA, the condition of the development of muscle and fat tissues that are not affected by body fluids can be known. That is why it is important to maintain normal LiLA for pregnant women.

As we all know, health and nutrition conditions on the First 1,000 Days of Life are crucial. Malnutrition in this period not only increases the risk of morbidity and mortality of mothers and children, but also has a significant impact on the quality of life of individuals in the future.

Based on the latest study, babies with low birth weight are often a consequence of the chronic lack of energy experienced by pregnant women. The use of the LILA screening tool is highly recommended to detect the nutritional status of pregnant women early. Apart from its practicality, this tool has the ability to predict various post-pregnancy conditions.

According to the Ministry of Health, the normal size of LiLA in pregnant women is 05 cm. If the upper arm circumference of the earth is more than 23.5 cm, it means that the woman is not at risk of experiencing nutritional problems. Earth is recommended to maintain the condition of the body.

A pregnant woman is said to have a Kronis Lack of Energy (KEK) nutritional problem if the size of LiLA is smaller than 23.5 cm. The threshold for the LILA size in women of fertile age (WUS) with a SEZ risk is 23.5 cm, which is measured to use a measuring certificate (metlin). If the size is less than 23.5 cm, it means that the woman has a risk of experiencing nutritional problems.

Measurements of the upper arm circumference to find out the LiLA level can be done alone. So actually pregnant women do not need to bother with a doctor to measure LiLA. However, if pregnant women need further consultation, it is advisable to come to a clinic or visit a doctor.

To measure LiLA, if possible, use a special ribbon. Then ask other people for help to measure your upper arm circumference so that they can get more accurate results.

Follow the following steps to measure LiLA in pregnant women:

Such is the normal LiLA measure for pregnant women that women who are pregnant need to know. Every pregnant woman is required to maintain their nutritional intake so that her body condition remains healthy and does not experience nutritional problems. Also read tips on reducing stress during pregnancy.

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