7 Types Of Cough In Babies, Toddlers, And Children

YOGYAKARTA Most coughs are caused by respiratory conditions. It could be due to runny nose, influenza, or asthma. There is also a type of cough that marks serious symptoms, such as cough or pneumonia. To identify the type of cough experienced by babies, toddlers, and children, here are the signs and explanations.

Cough that is not steady but followed by a cold and occurs at night, possibly due to inflammation of the rune and trakea. Called barking cough or coughing cough which generally occurs from October to March. This cough attacks infants aged 6 months to children aged 3 years.

This cloup cough, caused by a virus that is in good condition during the day. But it will cough and runny nose at night. When taking a breath, the child may make sounds like a high-tuned whistle. Some children tend to experience cropping every time they get a cold. If the symptoms of coughing cloups are accompanied by difficulty breathing and occur in more than five minutes, the parents must immediately take their children to the doctor.

This cough, heard slank, eyes looked runny, children's appetite was bad, and had a sore throat. The possible cause is cough and runny nose. Generally it lasts for one to two weeks. According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, children are on average affected by six to ten colds a year. Due to the virus, keeping the child's immune system and metabolism balanced is important. It is also important to check your child to the doctor.

Children cough in winter, usually severe at night and every time they run. The possible cause of dry cough in children is due to asthma. Where there is chronic condition in the airways in the lungs. This is because the channel is sag and inflamed and produces excess mucus.

Parents often think that coughing because of this asthma is encouraging. Cough to the point, according to the professor of pediatrics at the Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital, totaling Lonzer, MD., caused by mucus in the lungs causes a little amusement and itching that makes the child cough.

Cough due to playing fatigue, marked by a weak hoarse cough followed by high fever, muscle aches, and runny nose. the possible cause is the flu, because the flu virus has a long incubation period before transmitting it to friends or family.

"This virus spreads through small sparks, so when a classmate makes one sneezing, the flu virus will fly throughout the room," said Dr. Lonzer.

Your little one has been suffering from the flu for several days, and now his cough is making hoarse sounds and strokes. What might cause him to be a bronoplus infected or called bronchiolitis. Bronkioles is the smallest airway in the lungs. When bronoplus is swollen and mucus-filled, children will have difficulty breathing. The most common cause is the respiratory synthetic virus (known as RSV). Bronkiolitis mostly attacks young babies during the winter months, said Allan Lieberthal, MD, professor of pediatric clinicalism at the University of Southern California reported by Parents, Friday, September 20.

Cough rejan is recognized by the intensity of his cough. When coughing with the sound of rejanting and feeling heavier more than 20 times in one breath, it is called cough rejan. The cause is pertussis, or bacteria that attack the respiratory tract. This bacterial attack causes severe inflammation and clogs the airways. Children who have not fully immunized, most likely have cough rejan.

"Babies under the age of 6 months don't have enough strength in their lungs to emit distinctive cough coughs, so it's more difficult for parents to detect them," said Gordon Bloomberg, MD, professor of pediatric madya at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Washington.

When a child has a cold, his cough is wet and steady. Breathe faster than usual. The cause is pneumonia where viruses or bacteria attack the lungs, causing the lungs to fill with fluid. To determine the cause of coughing wet and fever, it is important for parents to check their children with a doctor. Later, the drug will be tested and prescribed according to the cause of the cough.

After recognizing the type of cough in babies, toddlers, and children, it is important for parents to remain vigilant and give full attention so that they recognize their symptoms. It is also important to immediately check with a doctor and get treatment according to the child's condition.