First In The World, Russia Registers COVID-19 Vaccine For Animals

JAKARTA - For the first time in the world, a COVID-19 vaccine for animals is officially registered. And, this is done in Russia, where the vaccine is developed and registered.

So far, Russia already has three human coronavirus vaccines, the most famous of which is Sputnik V. Moscow has also given emergency approval to two others, EpiVacCorona and CoviVac.

Meanwhile, the animal vaccine was developed by scientists from the Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor). The name of this vaccine, Carnivac-Cov.

"The Carnivac-Cov clinical trial, which began last October, involved dogs, cats, arctic foxes, minks, foxes, and other animals", said Deputy Chief Rosselkhoznadzor Konstantin Savenkov.

"The trial results allow us to conclude that the vaccine is harmless and highly immunogenic because all vaccinated animals develop antibodies to the coronavirus in 100 percent of cases", he added.

Immunity persists for six months after vaccination, but vaccine developers continue to analyze this. Meanwhile, Rosselkhoznadzor hopes that the mass production of this vaccine can begin as early as April.