Let's Not Loyo, Here Are 9 Tips To Increase Energy And Stamina

YOGYAKARTA Energy is down or after doing tiring activities, it needs recovery. Many people choose to drink energy added. But increase energy and stamina so you don't lose, you can do the following tips.

Avoid eating foods that contain a high glycemic index. The reason is to avoid energy delays that usually occur after eating processed pati foods. High foods in the glycemic index, are absorbed more quickly and can easily make you run out of energy. To increase energy, it is recommended to consume seeds, nuts, and high protein foods.

Caffeine helps increase vigilance. So, drinking a cup of coffee will help sharpen the mind. Coffee also adds energy, but you have to drink it wisely. Because caffeine can cause insomnia, especially if you drink in large quantities after 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Drinking water is proven to improve performance for all endurance activities. If the body lacks fluids, one of the first signs is sluggish and fatigue. That means, make sure you drink enough water. This will help increase energy when your body feels sluggish.

If you are sluggish for lack of sleep, try to reduce sleep. This suggestion may sound strange, but the goal is to make it easier for you to sleep in the next sleep period. It even helps you get more quality sleep.

Launching Harvard Health, Friday, September 20, avoid napping and stay late than baisanya for just four hours. If And feels sleep better during the four-hour period, add 15-30 minutes of sleep the following night. Next, if you get a good sleep, add your sleep slowly the following nights.

One of the best ways to deal with sluggish feeling in the afternoon, by avoiding drinking alcohol, especially during lunch. Alcoholic drinks are cedative. So if you want to have energy until the evening, avoid drinking cocktails at five in the afternoon.

Smoking attracts energy and causes insomnia. Nikotin in tobacco, is a stimulant that accelerates heart rate, increases blood pressure, stimulates brain waves related to being maintained. This results in sleep. Once asleep, the additive strength can appear and wake you up to smoke again.

One of the main reasons fatigue is overwork. Too much work includes professional, family, and social obligations. So try simplifying the list of activities. Choose priority to do and reduce less important tasks. Also consider asking for help at work.

Stress-induced emotions will drain a lot of energy. To control, it can be in simple ways. Including talking to relatives, joining support groups, or meeting psychotherapists. It can also be done with relaxation activities, including meditation, yoga, and tai chi.

Exercise helps you sleep well. Exercise also gives cells more energy to burn and deliver oxygen. Exercise also increases levels of brain domapines that help increase mood. When walking, increase speed regularly. This will add health benefits.

That's a series of tips to increase energy while sluggish. In principle, maintaining a healthy routine such as consuming healthy foods, exercising regularly, getting quality sleep, and managing activities wisely, helping you stay energetic and have balanced stamina throughout the day.