The Peak Of Demographic Bonuses Predicted In The 2030s, Jokowi Hopes To Be Accompanied By The Expansion Of Job Vacancies

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized that Indonesia's demographic bonus which is predicted to peak in the 2030s must be accompanied by an expansion of job opportunities.

"If you ask me where do you focus? If I am now and in the future we must focus on the work market because in the future there will be too few job opportunities for so many workers who need it, too few jobs for too many people. This is what we must avoid," said the President in his remarks at the opening of the Indonesian Economic Bachelors Association (ISEI) XXII and the 2024 National Seminar in Surakarta City, Central Java, Thursday, witnessed through the live broadcast of the Presidential Secretariat YouTube from Jakarta, which was confiscated by Antara.

For this reason, the President said the demographic bonus could be a strength, but it could also be a burden.

"This is the biggest challenge that will jump us into a developed country or not. This demographic bonus requires the opening of maximum job opportunities. Even though at this time to create jobs we face very, very tough challenges, all countries are experiencing this challenge," said the President.

The first challenge is the slowdown in the global economy.

"We know that in 2023 from the World Bank, the global (economy) only grew 2.7 (percent) then in 2024, it is estimated that the figure of 2.6 (percent) next year from the World Bank will increase slightly, but it is still far from what all countries expect," said the President.

He is also grateful that Indonesia's economic growth is estimated to reach 5.1 percent in 2024.

"It can grow in approximately 5.1 (percent) this is something we should be grateful for because the global economy only grows 2.6 (percent), 2.7 (percent)," said the President.

Furthermore, the second challenge is the improvement of the automation system in various work sectors.

"Initially we only had mechanical automation, then now AI (artificial intelligence), an analytic automation appears, new things appear every day and if we read 2025 jobs that will be lost, 85 million jobs will be lost, 85 million. The number is not small, we are required to open up jobs instead in 2025, 85 million jobs will be lost because there was an increase in automation in various sectors," he said.

The third challenge is related to the gig economy or the economy.

"Gig economy, be careful with this, the economy is odd, the economy is part-time. If it is not managed properly, this will become a trend for companies to prefer independent workers, companies prefer freelancers, companies prefer short-term contracts to reduce the risk of global uncertainty that is happening. We see the trend going there," said the President.