The ODGJ Perpetrator Who Stabbed The Imam Of The Al Hidayah Mosque, Sragen, Was Often Feeded By Victims

SRAGEN - Sragen Police managed to arrest the perpetrators of the persecution of the imam of the Al Hidayah Mosque, Sambirejo Village, Plupuh District, Sragen, Central Java, named Didik Nus Kiswanto.

Pluupuh Police Chief AKP Suparno said the perpetrator was identified as Suhendar. The incident began when the victim was leading the dawn prayer at the mosque, Thursday, September 19.

The perpetrator, who came out of nowhere, suddenly carried out an attack using a sharp knife and hit the victim's neck.

"The incident took place at around 04.30 WIB. The perpetrator had a mental disorder," he said in Sragen, Antara, Thursday evening.

According to him, currently the victim is safe and is still undergoing intensive treatment at RD Dr Oen Solo.

Meanwhile, he said the perpetrators sleep in the mosque every day. In fact, the victim often gives food to the perpetrators.

As a follow-up, the police will also examine the mental condition of the perpetrators to ascertain the motives and conditions behind his actions. Regarding the incident, his party ensures that the situation is now under control.

"We have secured the perpetrators of the persecution. Residents do not need to worry or be afraid to come to the mosque," he said.