Originally Penakut, Putri Marino Challenged To Play In The Film Ransom Sins

JAKARTA - Putri Marino is trusted to play in the latest horror film by the production house of Palari Films entitled Ransom Sina and will compete acting with Happy Salma.

Playing in a horror film, Putri said that she was actually a very scared person. Therefore he felt challenged to play in this film.

"Yes, I'm really a coward. Very. Because I'm very stupid and the set of vibes is very tense," said Putri Marino in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, September 17.

Not only the set of places, the figures of fine creatures in this film are also enough to give Chicco Jerikho's wife goosebumps.

"We filmed it in Magelang and had to act with several figures who thought it was very scary, from the story side it was also very scary. So it was very challenged," he added.

Furthermore, Putri added that the reason she deliberately took the film Ransom Sinan as the debut of her mystery horror film was because she had an interesting and enigmatic story.

"No, actually, I've always wanted to play horror films, but I'm waiting for the right moment, script, director, PH. Coincidentally, Ransom Sins came and the core of the story was drama and riddled, so I want this to be my first horror mystery film," he said.

The Sins ransom also stars Shogen, Bhisma Mulia, Total Ananta, Laksmi Notokusumo, and Haru Sandra and is directed by Yosep Anggi Noen.

This film is the latest title for the studio produced by Palari Films. previously known through the films Possessive (2017), Aruna & Lidahnya (2018), Like Dendam, Rindu Must Be Paid Completely (2021), Ali & Ratu Ratu Queens (2021), to Mist Beduri (2024). T The ransom film Sina was released in theaters on October 17.