Socialization Of SP4N-LAPOR Sites To Monitor Development, East Kalimantan Diskominfo: Many Villagers Don't Know
JAKARTA - The SP4N-LAPOR (People's Online Aspirations and Complaints Service) managed by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) is intended to increase community participation in supervising regional development, including rural areas.
This was said by the East Kalimantan Diskominfo Public Relations Officer, Mardiasih during a socialization in Sangatta Utara Village, East Kutai, East Kalimantan (Kaltim), Wednesday, September 18. In this activity, almost all the villagers who attended did not know what SP4N Lapor was!.
"When we conveyed the initial material, many residents did not know about SP4N Lapor! Therefore, we gave a detailed explanation of the function and benefits of this complaint channel," he said, confiscated by Antara.
In addition, other material presented is about the relationship between SP4N Lapor! with the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility Fund (FPCF-CF) program or the Carbon Fund Forest Partnership Facility.
"If there are things that are not pleasing or aspirations related to the budget that have been disbursed to the village, the public can report it through SP4N Lapor!" he said.
Mardiasih also highlighted the enthusiasm of residents in participating in this socialization.
"Residents are very enthusiastic because they just found out about this complaint channel. They feel more effective in reporting something," he said.
Regarding the untransferred carbon funds to the village account, Mardiasih explained that the verification process for proposals by the verification team was still ongoing.
"After the verification is complete, the funds will be transferred by the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH)," he said.
This activity is expected to increase community involvement in complaining about their aspirations through SP4N Lapor!.
However, not everything can be reported through SP4N Lapor!, including issues that are the authority of private companies, cases that are currently in the judicial process, based solely on information from social media, to something that is irrelevant to the government's performance.
"With this socialization, we hope that the community will be more involved in development and supervision, so that their role in village development will increase," said Mardiasih.
Furthermore, Erma Wulandari from the FCPF-CF Guard Team of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government continued his presentation regarding the carbon partnership facility fund (FCPF-CF) program which is a global initiative to fight climate change through forest carbon management.
He emphasized the importance of community involvement in monitoring and reporting environmental issues, which is in line with the goals of SP4N-LAPOR.
"The FCPF-CF program focuses on climate change mitigation by promoting environmentally friendly forest management practices. This includes efforts to reduce deforestation, increase tree replanting, and involve communities in managing their own natural resources," Erma said.
The socialization and training are expected to strengthen people's capacity in utilizing SP4N LAPOR, as well as increase their awareness of the importance of sustainable environmental management through the FCPF-CF program.
North Sangatta Village Secretary, Osler Manalu, expressed his gratitude to the East Kalimantan Diskominfo for the education provided regarding SP4N Lapor! to local residents.
According to Osler, this education is very important to increase community participation in supervising government development.
"SP4N Lapor! is an effective channel for conveying the aspirations and complaints of residents. Although it is not yet very familiar for some villagers, we believe that with continuous education, the public will understand and use it more," he said.
The chairman of the North Sangatta Village Consultative Body, Ridwan Abdul Razak, the Chairman of North Sangatta LPM, Anwar Said, the heads of hamlets, the heads of neighborhood units, and local community leaders were also present.