In Addition To Nutrition And Low Calories, Know 6 Benefits Of Seaweed For Health
YOGYAKARTA Many kinds of dishes made from seaweed. Such as nori, kelp, wakame, deduse, and blue and green alga such as in sperulina and chlorella. This type of seaweed product can be included in your daily dish. Besides being nutritious and low in calories, here are the benefits of seaweed for health.
Each type of seaweed product may contain slightly different nutrients and minerals. A 2018 study published by Marine Drugs noted that seaweed is generally a source of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, and double unsaturated fatty acids.
Other studies noted that various types of seaweed contain vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin E, iron, and iodine. Seaweed also contains antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative stress and reduce cell inflammation.
thyroid glands control and release hormones to produce energy and growth and cell repair. A lack of iodine is one of the causes of hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid that can cause symptoms such as fatigue, cold intolerance, and muscle and joint pain. This can also cause gondok, which is an enlargement of the visible thyroid gland. Launching Medical News Today, thyroid glands need iodine to function properly, but the amount that a person needs depends on the health of each person's thyroid gland.
High amounts of fiber-rich foods help regulate blood sugar levels and insulin levels. If seaweed contains fiber and low calories, it means it can help increase daily fiber intake without consuming high calories. Compounds in seaweed can also reduce diabetes risk factors, such as inflammation, high fat levels, and insulin sensitivity. However, research must be carried out thoroughly to prove more benefits of seaweed in humans.
Bacteria in the intestines play a role in breaking food, supporting digestion, and affecting overall health. Alga may be one of the ideal foods for the intestines. A study published in the Journal of Applied Physics reports that alga tends to contain high amounts of fiber. Even dry alga can reach 23-64 percent of its weight. This fiber can help feed intestinal bacteria. Bacteria of the intestines break the fiber into compounds that improve the health of the intestines and the health of the immune system.
Seaweed is high in fiber and low in calories, this can help a person who is trying to lose weight. According to research at Marine Drugs, food fiber in high quantities delays emptying the stomach. As a result, the stomach can delay sending hungry signals to the brain, which can help prevent overeating.
High fiber foods such as alga can also lower cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber, such as in seaweed, binds bile acid or salt in the body. The body then uses cholesterol to replace these elements, which can reduce a person's total cholesterol by up to 18 percent. Plus, the high antioxidant content of many types of alga can support heart health over time.
Although seaweed is beneficial for health, it is important to pay attention to several factors. Including the iodine level in seaweed foods, heavy metal content in seaweed, and how to consume seaweed in a healthy manner. To minimize risks, choose organic and good quality seaweed products.