Proud! Putri Irfan Hakim Wins Gold At PON Aceh-North Sumatra 2024 Equestrian Sports

JAKARTA - Host Irfan Hakim said he was proud of his daughter, Aisha Hakim, who represented DKI Jakarta at the Aceh-North Aceh 2024 National Sports Week (PON) and won a gold medal.

Irfan Hakim shared his expression of pride through uploads on his personal Instagram. For Irfan, this achievement is the result of the hard work of his daughter so far.

"Alhamdulillah, all praise is to Allah who determines all events, hard efforts have been made, prayers have been offered. Finally, victory was given," wrote Irfan Hakim, quoted by VOI from Instagram @irfanhakim75, Tuesday, September 17.

"Congratulations @aishakeem15 with @rifatharsya08 and @makbar_kurniawan to get an EMAS medal in the U21 team Jumping class PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra 2024," said Irfan Hakim.

Irfan recounted the struggle of his daughter who had fallen from the horse he was riding, Jeedina while participating in the National Championship 2 years ago.

He felt it was not an easy matter for Aisha to get back up and fight her fear after falling from the horse.

"After previously falling with Jeedina in the security department 2 years ago, then together trying to get up. It is not easy to fight the trauma from that incident, Jeedina and Aisha," he said.

At the end of his sentence, Irfan said that this victory was proof of Aisha's hard work and her pride in the princess.

"Today is proof that hard work does not betray the results. You are fighting together for DKI Jakarta and you can prove it. Congratulations Aisha and Jeedina. I am proud of both of you," he said.