Get To Know Jeli, These Are 7 Signs That Couples Do Micro Cheating In Relationships

JAKARTA - In a relationship, there is often micro cheating by partners. Micro cheating is a small form of infidelity in a relationship. Small activities carried out by partners often make you jealous and have the potential to damage relationships. One of them is a trivial habit when a partner likes social media posts of the opposite sex. In addition, what else? Let's know seven signs of a couple doing micro cheating, according to information from Marriage, Tuesday, September 17.
Do your partner always look like they're using their cell phone or are they hiding something on your phone? If you see your partner being too protective against your phone, it's likely that they are hiding something. This can be a message or image they don't want to show you.
The next micro-cheating signature is that it still looks to be in good contact with the former on social media or instant messaging applications. Especially if the relationship is carried out secretly and without your knowledge.
Does your partner seem to mention your colleague's name too often? Or do they offend your ex in almost every conversation? They may often talk about it or even compare it with you. This could be a sign that they are doing micro-cheating.
Office parties, family events, holidays, or other events, your partner prefers to go alone rather than take you. Be careful, This could be one of the signs of micro cheating. Good couples will always invite you to follow anywhere, including events that involve a lot of people.
If you ever mention a microcheating problem or even your partner's behavior and they will be defensive. They isolate you, blame you, or just deny doing the things you mentioned.
Do your partner constantly like or comment on someone's posts but never mention them to you? If they interact with someone on social media in a way that feels confidential or flirty, it may be a form of thin cheating.
If a partner often refers to someone casually but considers them "only friends,". But it seems to have a deeper emotional bond or share personal details, this could be a sign of the dangers of microcheating behavior.