Ridwan Kamil Launches Even Jakarta Program, Disburses Budget Per RW Rp200 Million
JAKARTA - The candidate for governor of Jakarta, Ridwan Kamil, said that he had the 'Jakarta Medium' program in the form of giving a budget to Rukun Warga (RW) of Rp. 200 million.
The provision of the budget is so that residents can build their territory according to their needs, especially for people with disabilities.
"We have a program, one of which is Jakarta, Merata, which provides a budget for RT-RW of Rp. 100-200 million so that they design their own area, execute their needs," Ridwan Kamil told reporters, Friday, September 13.
"Maybe one of them was if there was an area at the RW level that was not yet disability-friendly from the decentralized budget, it could be spent on buying access to people with disabilities in their area," he continued.
The program was launched because the construction of Jakarta, especially facilities for disability groups, is still not optimal.
The man who is familiarly called Kang Emil assessed that only the central business disaster has many facilities for people with disabilities.
"As far as I know, in areas with a central business disorder, yes or in the city center such as Sudirman-Thamrin are relatively adequate," he said.
With the program launched, it is hoped that it can equalize development for all Jakartans.