South Jakarta District Court Says Death Of Restaurant Owner In Lebak Bulus During Land Execution Not Due To Physical Contact

Public Relations of the South Jakarta District Court (PN), Djuyamto said the victim named Rasich Hanif (70) who died when the bailiff carried out the execution at the Sedjuk Bakmi and Cilandak coffee restaurants on Jalan Lebak Bulus III, West Cilandak, South Jakarta was opened due to clashes in physical contact.

"That the death of the deceased was not due to physical clashes or violence from the execution officers," said Djuyamto in his statement, Friday, September 13.

Djuyamto explained that when the bailiff carried out the land execution, the victim was in a sick condition. Then, there was an argument because he wanted to defend his land.

Over time, the victim suddenly fell. Then taken to the hospital, it turned out that the victim's life could not be saved.

"Suddenly the deceased fell limp, then was helped (carried) by the bailiff into the house. That when the condition of the deceased was getting weaker, he was then rushed to Mayapada Hospital, but could not be helped," he said.

On his occasion, Djuyamto expressed his deep condolences for the victims.

"Condolences and deep condolences, hopefully the bereaved family will be given patience and fortitude," he concluded.

Previously, Rasich Hanif (70), owner of the Sedjuk Bakmi and Cilandak restaurants on Jalan Lebak Bulus III, West Cilandak, South Jakarta, died while arguing with the bailiff of the South Jakarta District Court (Jaksel) regarding land execution, Thursday, September 12.

Rasich Hanif's attorney, Tubagus Novan, said Rasich died after arguing with the South Jakarta District Court bailiff. Novan said, at that time Rasich fainted, then after being taken to the hospital he was declared dead by a doctor.

"There was an argument that caused Rasich Hanif's loss of consciousness. Then almost 45 minutes (until) the ambulance arrived, then he was taken to the hospital. At the hospital he died," Novan told reporters, Thursday, September 12.