The First Session Of 4 Corruption Suspects Of The NTB Bima Transportation Agency Was Held In Mataram On September 25
The Prosecutor's Office handed over the case files of four corruption suspects in the procurement of wooden ships in 2019 for the Bima Regency Transportation Service (Dishub) project to the Mataram District Court (PN), West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).
Head of the Intelligence Section of the Bima Kejari, Deby F. Fauzi, confirmed that his party had transferred the case files to the Mataram District Court.
"Yes, we have transferred the case file to the court, it has been received, just waiting for the judge to be determined," said Deby in Mataram, NTB, Friday, September 13, as quoted by Antara.
Currently, the detention of four suspects has been entrusted to the Class II A Penitentiary in West Lombok to facilitate trial at the Mataram District Court.
The Mataram District Court has determined the panel of judges in charge of hearing the case belonging to four suspects in the corruption of the Bima Regency Transportation Agency project.
"The panel of judges Lalu Moh. Sandi Iramaya, Isrin Kurniasih, and Djoko Soepriyono," he said.
For the inaugural trial with the agenda of reading the indictment, Kelik said that the Head of the Mataram District Court set on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.
"On Wednesday, September 25, 2024, the first trial," he said.
The four suspects in this case had the initials AF, AS, MS, and SA each had a different role.
For AF, the director of the project auction-winning company from the CV Berkah Brothers. Then, AS is the Director of CV Baru Muncul who carries out projects in the field in the name of the CV Berkah Brothers.
Furthermore, the suspect MS in this case acted as the project commitment-making official (PPK). Meanwhile, the suspect SA is a planning consultant.
In the case file, the prosecutor named them as suspects by applying Article 2 paragraph (1) and/or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.
In handling it, the prosecutor's office has pocketed the value of state financial losses based on the results of the NTB Inspectorate audit with a value of Rp928 million from the project price of Rp989 million.
Before finally undergoing detention at the Class II A Prison in West Lombok, the four suspects had been detained by the prosecutor at the Class II B Rutan, Raba Bima.