ICW Criticism Of The Pansel Because The KPK Capim Is Dominated By The Legal Apparatus
JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) criticized the selection committee (pansel) after announcing 20 people had qualified for the next stage. This is because most of them come from law enforcement officials.
"Based on ICW's observations of a total of 20 candidates for KPK commissioner candidates, 45 percent or about nine of them came from law enforcement clusters, both active and retired," ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana told reporters in a written statement, Thursday, September 12.
"This decision was then asked by ICW," said Kurnia. "Is the committee from the start really expecting the KPK to be filled by law enforcement officers," he said.
If it is true, continued Kurnia, then there are a number of potential violations and misbehavior. First, the Capim Pansel and the KPK Supervisory Board clearly violate Article 28D Paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution regarding the similarity of everyone before the law.
"Second, the dominance of law enforcement officers in this selection invites perceptions in the community regarding the alleged intervention of other parties to the Pansel," he said.
"The intervention in question can come from any party, for example, the executive or maybe the head of the law enforcement apparatus," continued Kurnia.
In addition, ICW assessed that the Pansel Capim and the KPK Council did not understand the ins and outs of the anti-corruption commission institution. Kurnia alluded to that there were no rules that said the KPK leadership should be law enforcement officers.
Then opportunities for conflict of interest and double loyalty can also occur. "It is simple how to ensure the independence of commissioners who come from law enforcers if the KPK later investigates allegations of corruption in their original agency," he said.
"Another thing is also what guarantees can be given by the Pansel that candidates from law enforcement clusters will only comply with the law's orders in the midst of the rampant phenomenon of the spirit of the Korsa in their original institution," said the anti-corruption activist.
As previously reported, the Chairman of the Capim Pansel and the KPK Council Muhammad Yusuf Ateh said there were 20 elected leadership candidates from 40 who took part in the assessment process. He did not read it directly because the announcement could be seen through the official websites of the Ministry of State Secretary (Kemensetneg) and the KPK.
Of the total, Nurul Ghufron's name is not included as one. Meanwhile, he has just been sentenced to moderate sanctions in the form of cutting revenue by up to 20 percent by the KPK Supervisory Board.
Ghufron was proven to have violated ethics because he abused his influence or position related to the mutation of the state civil apparatus (ASN) at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) Andi Dwi Mandasari. He contacted the Secretary General and Acting Inspector General of the Ministry of Agriculture Kasdi.
The following is the name of the candidate for leadership who has passed to the next stage.
1. Agus Joko Pramono2. Ahmad Alamsyah Saragih 3. Didik Agung Widjanarko4. Djoko Poerwanto 5. Fitroh Rohcahyanto6. Harli Siregar7. I Nyoman Wara8. Ibnu Basuki Widodo9. Ida Budhiati10. Johan Budi Sapto Pribowo1111. Johanis Tanak12. Michael Rolandi Cesnanta Brata13. Muhammad Yusuf14. Pahala Nainggolan15. Poengky Indarti16. Sang Made Mahendrajaya17. Setyo Budiyanto18. Sugeng Purnomo19. Wawan Wardiana20. Yanuar Nugroho