The Excess And Lack Of Fish Milk, From Nutrition To Taste

YOGYAKARTA There is a discourse on the inclusion of fish milk in the free nutritious food program (MBG) launched by the elected president Prabowo Subianto. Fish milk is an alternative in the MBG Prabowo program to replace cow milk. Apart from this discourse, the public must know the advantages and lack of fish milk both in terms of taste and health benefits.

Reporting from, fish milk is a drink made from the extraction of fish proteins. In its manufacture, animal raw materials are processed using advanced technology to produce Fish Protein Hydrolysates (HPI). HPI is the raw material for fish milk.

Compared to cow's milk, the term fish milk is not familiar to the community. The following summarizes the excess milk of fish.

When compared to cow's milk, omega 3 contains higher fish milk considering that the drink is made from fish whose protein concentrate is taken.

Reporting from Antara, Professor of Food and Nutrition at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) Prof. Ali Khomsan explained that the omega 3 content in fish milk will support brain function development when compared to cow milk.

Head of the BRIN Agricultural and Food Research Organization Puji Lestari also said that fish milk does not contain allergens like cow's milk. This means that fish milk products will be very safe for people with intolerant lactose

"In excess, compared to regular cow's milk, it does not contain allergen if it is allergic to lactose. Thus, it is safe for people with intolerant lactose, because fish do not contain lactose," said Puji, quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, September 12.

In fish milk, there are also decomposed protein compounds such as essential, non-essential amino acid acids. and peptides. The three of them are very useful for keeping the body healthy because they are able to increase immunity.

In addition, fish milk, said Puji, also has split protein content. That way the body is easier to absorb optimally.

Despite having a number of advantages, fish milk still has a deficiency that may not be accepted by the warranty. Here are some lacks of fish milk.

Ditetisien Rumah Umum Pusat Nasional dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta Fitri Hudayani mengatakan bahwa saat ini ketersediaan ikri fish masih terbatas. Kondisi itu bisa jadi kendala yang harus ditangani.

"Because this product is still not widely known and consumed by many people, it is also necessary to consider whether it is easy to obtain if it will be included in the menu list for a day, so that consistency in its existence can be maintained in the menu," Fitri explained, quoted from Antara.

Fish milk does not contain lactose, so it tends to be safe forairers who are intolerant of lactose. But that doesn't mean fish milk doesn't trigger allergies. The drink still contains allergens so it can trigger allergic reactions in some people. Drinkers should really pay attention to their allergic history, especially if they are allergic to seafood.

Before consuming fish milk, it must be understood that the aroma and taste of fish milk are different from the aroma of cow milk. It is possible that not everyone can or likes the drink product.

That's information regarding the advantages and lack of fish milk. Visit To get other interesting information.