YouTube On Television Starts Showing Ads When Videos Are Entangled

JAKARTA YouTube added a new ad format to the recent television app. When users pause video content that is being watched, YouTube will display easily removed ads.

These ads can be removed at any time and will not interfere with the user's viewing experience. When an ad appears, there is a video that doesn't play automatically. Users need to click the play button to view videos from the ad.

The addition of this ad has been disclosed since May last year to advertisers. However, YouTube has just added its ad format. The company said that this ad format will help viewers recognize advertisers.

"We are bringing a new Jeda experience to CTV (Connected TV) so you can encourage awareness or action by having unique interactive moments when people are confusing videos. This makes it easier for viewers and allows them to learn more about your brand," explained YouTube.

Although it has been seen on several YouTube applications for television, this ad format has only been seen by a small number of users. Apparently, this ad format is added from the server side so that users will see the ad display automatically.

YouTube never shared the launch schedule of this ad format so it's not yet known when all users will see the ad. Judging from several reports of Reddit and X users, reported by 9to5google, this ad may be expanded in the near future.

If this ad format has appeared in your YouTube television app, this format can be removed easily from the screen. You just need to move the cursor to a small get rid of the corner of the screen, then click the button.