Minister Basuki Calls Groundbreaking Phase 8 At IKN To Be Done Next Week

JAKARTA - The 8th phase of groundbreaking in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) will be carried out in the third week of September 2024.
This was confirmed by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono when met at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 11.
"Hopefully (next week's groundbreaking)," he said.
Basuki said that the groundbreaking activity was in line with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s plan to leave tomorrow to start based in IKN.
"Yes, Mr. President (Jokowi) will go there tomorrow. He has conveyed that in the media he is not staying, but going anywhere. Including there is a groundbreaking that we will prepare for implementation," he said.
Even so, Basuki has not been able to provide further information about the exact date of the groundbreaking activity.
According to him, the groundbreaking activity will adjust to President Jokowi's schedule.
"If not next week, yes, until there is another (president Jokowi schedule). There is more," he added.
Previously, the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) said a number of foreign investors would carry out project groundbreaking activities at IKN, East Kalimantan. The investment value is estimated at IDR 650 billion.
Acting (Plt) Deputy Chief of OIKN Raja Juli Antoni said, there are two foreign investors who will hold the groundbreaking, namely from China and Australia. For the scope of their own sector, some are engaged in property and education.
"There are two foreign investors who will groundbreaking. First, Delonix, this is a company from China that will build malls, hotels and apartments," said Raja Juli when met by reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, September 9.
Raja Juli said Delonix would build a mix-used area in IKN. It is projected that the total investment disbursed will reach Rp500 billion.
Meanwhile, other investors from the Australian Independent School will build schools at IKN.
The investment value to be disbursed reaches IDR 150 billion. Thus, the accumulated number of foreign investments that will enter this September to IKN reaches IDR 650 billion.
"So, there are two foreign (investors) who want to groundbreaking. There are two delonixes of Rp. 500 billion, the other is the Australian Independent School, which is around Rp. 150 billion," he said.