Solo Green Zone COVID-19, Mr. Gibran: Back From Zero Again, Patience Don't Go Homecoming!

SOLO - Mayor of Solo Gibran Rakabuming Raka asked the public to refrain from doing homecoming during this year's Eid. This is to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in the family or in the surrounding community.

As proof of his seriousness, Gibran has ordered the state civil servants in the Solo City Government, not to homecoming.

"I also emphasize for civil servants, not to homecoming. We hold ourselves back so that we can quickly return and recover from the pandemic, that's all," said Gibran at Loji Gandrung official residence, Sunday, March 28 yesterday.

Gibran admitted that many people have protested against this central government policy. But once again, if the number of cases of COVID is high again, then the community will be bothered too.

Moreover, Solo is now in the green zone. The eldest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) does not want to repeat his 'activity' in overcoming the spread of COVID.

"Vaccinations have been rushed, school children are ready to enter. Later, when we go home, we don't know what kind of health condition will come,"

"The graph of COVID is also sloping, it has improved, the hospital is emptying. If there are homecoming events, we don't want to be like that. We don't want to homecoming tomorrow, otherwise, we will start over from scratch, it's tiresome!"

Gibran asked the community for understanding and patience to not doing homecoming and bring the virus to Solo once again. "I beg you once again this year we refrain from homecoming first," explained Gibran.