Note! Value Of The 2024 CPNS Threshold For SKD And Bobot Value Tests Every Problem

YOGYAKARTA - Basic Competency Selection (SKD) is one of the important stages in the recruitment of Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS). To be able to pass to the next stage, namely the Basic Competency Selection (SKB), participants must have SKD results exceeding the set threshold value.

The Indonesian government has opened registration for the 2024 CPNS selection from August 20 to September 6. The need for CPNS formations opened this year is 250,407 spread across various agencies.

After passing the administrative stage, participants will get a schedule to take part in the SKD. The SKD examination is a challenging stage because participants must be able to get high grades or excel from other participants to pass the next stage, namely SKB.

That's why it is very important for every CPNS selection participant to understand how much the threshold is. By knowing the threshold value, you can set a target for the number of values or the true question that must be pursued in the SKD exam which contains the National Insight Test (TWK), the General Intellectual Test (TIU), and Personal Characteristic Tests.

Just like the implementation of CPNS selection in previous years, the matter of SKD consists of three types, namely TWK, TIU, and TKP. Each type of question has a different number of questions, with the following details:

In addition to knowing the number of questions as preparation, participants should also understand the weight of the 2024 CPNS SKD value. Calculations per question can be used as a reference to estimate how many SKD results can exceed the threshold value.

The following is the weight of the SKD value in CPNS 2024 in each type of problem:

you need to know, the threshold value is the minimum value that must be achieved by each participant in the 2024 CPNS SKD, as one of the requirements to pass to the SKB stage.

The next requirement to qualify from the SKD is to enter the best ranking in the order of three times the number of formations proposed. For example, you apply for the formation of Overseas Cooperation Analysts with a quota of 4 needs. So at least you have to enter the 4x3= 12 best to qualify.

The threshold value of CPNS 2024 can apply to types of SKD tests and the cumulative value of the entire test. This provision also depends on the formation of the proposed position.

The following are the provisions for the threshold value of the 2024 CPNS SKD based on each formation:

The highest value that can be achieved by participants in the 2024 CPNS SKD is the cumulative value of 550. This number consists of:

The highest TWK value: 150

Highest TIU value: 175

The highest crime scene value: 225

Such is the information on the 2024 CPNS threshold value in the SKD test. Understanding the threshold value and weight, the problem will be very helpful in formulating targets to seriously work on SKD issues. Based on the schedule that has been circulated, the SKD test will be carried out on October 16-14 November 2024. Also read ASN moved to IKN at the end of September.

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